Reports by Title
- A Bond Valence-Mediated Approach to the Synthesis of Mixed Anion Inorganic Frameworks (51721-UNI10)
- A Comprehensive Molecular-Based Study of the Stability of Clathrate Hydrates (53161-ND6)
- A Computational Exploration of the Stereoselective Synthesis of Substituted Pyrrolidines (51152-UR6)
- A Field-Based Geomechanical Study of the Formation, Deformation, and Internal Structure of Reservoir-Scale Sandstone Dikes, Sheep Mountain Anticline, WY (52300-UNI8)
- A Fresh Perspective on Admicellar Polymerization: Determining the Effects of Deoxygenation, Monomer Partitioning, and RAFT Polymerization on Thin Film Formation (53294-DNI7)
- A New Method to Link Metal Ions via Cycloaddition of Metal-Azides to Metal-Acetylides (51715-ND3)
- A New Spectroscopic Method to Assess the Oxidative Capacity of Iron Complexes in Catalytic Oxidation Reactions (53383-ND4)
- A New, Reductive-Heck Approach towards Carbon(sp2)-Carbon(sp3) Bond Formation (52233-DNI1)
- A Nonmetal Platform for Inner Sphere Two-Electron Redox Catalysis (52452-DNI3)
- A Potential Fungal Contribution to the Selective Preservation of Long-chain Hydrocarbon Functionality in Soils and Sediments (52142-ND2)
- A Rheological Study of Interfacial Bacterial Films: Understanding the Mechanics of Two-Dimensional, Active Materials with Applications to Enhanced Oil Recovery (53579-ND10)
- A Study of the Relationship Between Hydrocarbon Migration and Magnetic Alteration of the Michigan Basin Soils and Sediments: Towards Understanding the Magnetic Signature of Hydrocarbons (51942-ND8)
- A Theoretical Study of Coherent Energy Transport in Polymers (53301-ND6)
- ACS Scholars Program (53671-SE)
- ACS Summer School on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy (54160-SES)
- Accelerated Preparation of Polymer-Stabilized Catalytic Nanoparticles (53225-ND7)
- Accurate Ab Initio Studies of Hydrocarbon Physisorption on Carbon Nanotubes (51680-DNI6)
- Accurate Hydraulic Fracture Characterization Using Microseismic and Production/Welltest Data (51041-ND9)
- Activation of Chemical Reactions Through Corona Discharge (52025-ND9)
- Acylation of Arenes via Catalytic C-H Bond Functionalization and Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation (52119-DNI3)
- Aerobic Oxidative C-C and C-Heteroatom Bond Formation Reactions Catalyzed by Novel Pd(III) and Pd(IV) Complexes (52988-ND3)
- Alternative Clean Energy Production with Reusable Iron Catalysts: Development of Design Parameters for Future, Durable Green Energy Catalysts (52868-UNI3)
- An Isotopic Approach to Identify Biologically Mediated Smectite-Illite Reactions in Natural Environments (53469-DNI2)
- Applications of Iron(III) Compounds as Catalysts in Organic Synthesis (51036-UR1)
- Armor Plated Ligands: Synthesis and Applications in Catalytic Alkane Functionalization (52255-DNI3)
- Aromatic Donor-Acceptor Organocatalysis: Noncovalent Activation of Aryl Halides in Green Palladium Cross-Coupling Reactions (52993-UR1)
- Assessing the Influence of Ocean Anoxia and Carbonate Saturation State on Carbonate Factory Distribution and Architecture of Carbonate Platforms: Permian-Triassic Nanpanjiang Basin, South China (53075-UR8)
- Atom Probe Tomography of Kerogen and the Kerogen-Mineral Interface (53615-ND10)
- Atomic-Scale Visualization of Excitonic States in Individual Polymer Molecules (52732-DNI6)
- Atomic-Scale Visualization of Paraffin Melting and Crystallization with Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy (53116-DNI7)
- Atomistic Simulations of Small Molecules' Behavior Within Al Substituted Zeolites (51765-UR5)
- Bi-Compartmental Targeting Vehicles for In-Situ Catalytic Recovery of Hydrocarbon Molecules (53638-DNI10)
- Biomimetic Catalysts for Hydrogen Production and Carbon Dioxide Activation (51903-UNI3)
- Biomimetic IPNs - Harnessing the Power of Phase Interactions (52132-ND7)
- Biomimetic Soft Colloidal Materials (52062-DNI7)
- Biostratigraphic and Paleoecologic Analysis of the First Micro-Mammal Community from the Type Location of the Middle Eocene, Late Uintan North American Land Mammal Age (52083-UR8)
- Block Copolymer Based Poly(RTIL)-RTIL Composite Membranes for CO2 Separation and Sequestration (52018-ND7)
- Borenium Catalysts for Metal-Free Enantioselective Reductions and Petasis Reactions (53385-ND1)
- Boron-Based Directing Groups for Directed Lithiation Reactions (52231-UR1)
- Bottom Up Development of a Gas Hydrate Inhibitor Coating (53498-UR10)
- Bottom-Up Synthesis of Structurally Precise Graphene Nanoribbons (52019-DNI7)
- Brachiopod Shell Beds as Indicators and Predictors of Ancient Hydrocarbon Seeps: Assessing their Geological, Paleoecological, Evolutionary and Biostratigraphical Significance (51198-UR8)
- Bronsted Acid-Catalyzed Reactions of Unsaturated Acetals (53428-DNI1)
- Buckling-Induced Morphological Transformations in Block Copolymers (53386-ND7)
- Calcification in Calcite Seas (52963-ND8)
- Calcium Catalyzed Homologous Conjugate Addition Reactions (51029-UNI1)
- Catalytic Asymmetric Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation with Fluoroenolates Generated Detylated Prenucleophiles (52737-ND1)
- Catalytic Carbonylation of Ketenes under Oscillating Pressures of Carbon Monoxide (51756-ND3)
- Catalytic Functionalization of Carbon-Hydrogen Bonds with Alkyl Halides (51705-DNI1)
- Catalytic Methylation of Oxygen Nucleophiles with Safe, Stable Methylating Agents (52706-UNI1)
- Cation-Crown Ether Interactions to Control Ligand Hemilability and Catalyst Function (52325-DNI3)
- Characterization of Micelle Formation and Stability Under Extreme Conditions (53049-DNI6)
- Characterization of Nanodiamonds in Complex Environments (53263-ND6)
- Characterizing Quartz Microtextures in a Proglacial and Nonglacial Fluvial System as a Means Toward Improved Paleoenvironmental Analysis: A Pilot Study (52114-ND8)
- Chemical and Conformationally Driven Switches in Covalent Gas Separation Materials (52167-ND1)
- Clathrate Hydrate Formation Behaviors in Amphiphilic Particle-Laden Interfaces (51991-ND9)
- Climate, Tectonics and the Ecosystem Impact: Exploring the Relationship Between Extrinsic Controls and Cyclic Alluvial Stratal Accumulations within the Paleocene Nacimiento Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico (52822-DNI8)
- Cobalt Mediated C-C Bond Transformations toward Small Molecule Synthesis (52066-DNI3)
- Cold Water: A Novel Supercritical-Fluid Solvent (52666-ND6)
- Combinatorial Approaches for the Discovery of Stimulus-Responsive Supramolecular Gels (53287-DNI7)
- Computing Entropies of Adsorbed Molecules (53496-ND5)
- Concise and Logical Bottom-Up Synthetic Approach to Structurally and Electronically Designed Graphene Nanoribbons (53543-DNI1)
- Contact Dynamics and Flow Blockage Inhibition of Armored Bubbles inside Confining Flow Conduits (53371-ND9)
- Continued Studies of the Structure, Bonding, and Energetic Properties of Friedel-Crafts Intermediates (53066-UR6)
- Control of Selectivity in Intramolecular Carbon-Hydrogen Bond Activations by Transition Metal Complexes (51147-UR3)
- Control of the Catalytic Properties of Supported Nanostructures via Control of the Oxidation State of Transition Metals on Their Surfaces (53291-ND5)
- Controlling Morphology and Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Organometallic Conjugated Polymers via Orthogonal Polymerization Methods (50237-UNI10)
- Controlling Morphology in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells via Chemical Design and Surface Patterning Methods (50070-UR10)
- Controls on Organic Carbon Accumulation, Burial Efficiency, and Hydrocarbon Content in Lake Sediments of the Boreal Forest-Tundra Ecotone, Labrador, Canada (53378-UNI2)
- Coupled Fluid and Solid Mechanics Study for Improved Permeability Estimation of Damaged Formations Near Wellbore (52340-DNI9)
- Curvature-Directed Crystallization of Polymer Dielectrics (51049-DNI7)
- Cyclopentannulation of Conjugated Enones Using a Vinyldiazomethane-based Reagent (52871-DNI1)
- Dating Basin Deposits: Extending the Reach of Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating Into the Miocene (51939-ND8)
- Deconvolution of Sources of Isotopic Variability in Higher Plant Biomarkers (53417-DNI2)
- Decoupling Tectonic and Autogenic Controls on the Development of Cyclic Fluvial Strata: Flume Experiments (50793-DNI8)
- Design and Development of Heterocycloaddition Reactions of Aza-Oxyallylcationic Intermediates for Chemical Synthesis (51442-DNI1)
- Design of Zeolite Growth Modifiers: A Hierarchical Approach to Optimize Nanoporous Catalysts (52422-DNI5)
- Designer Graphene Nanostructures for Heterogeneous Catalysis (53581-DNI5)
- Designing Multifunctional Complexes for Chemical Catalysis (52704-DNI3)
- Detecting Signals of Sediment Supply in the Stratigraphic Architecture of an Outcropping Pleistocene Delta Complex (53553-DNI8)
- Determination of the Surface Free Energy for Curved Surfaces (51781-UNI6)
- Developing a New Proxy Approach for Reconstructing Paleo-Methane and Sulfate Fluxes in Gas Hydrate Bearing Stratigraphy (53006-ND8)
- Development and Application of Air-Stable, Shvo-Type Iron Catalysts (52162-UR1)
- Development and Mechanistic Studies of New Applications for the Mitsunobu Reaction (52168-UR1)
- Development of Copper(I) Catalysts for Photoredox Catalysis (52945-UNI1)
- Development of Electron-Hole Functional for Investigation of Electronically Excited States (52659-DNI6)
- Development of N-Aryl-2,3-Naphthalimide Dyes for White-Light Emission with Applications Toward White Organic Light-Emitting (WOLEDs) (50709-ND4)
- Development of Novel, Stable and User-Friendly Trifluoromethylation Reagents (52073-DNI1)
- Development of Single-Crystalline Organic Solar Cells for the Fundamental Studies of Photo-Voltaic Effect in Highly Ordered Organic Semiconductors (50629-DNI10)
- Development of U Isotopes as a Tool for Reconstructing the Extent of Global Seawater Anoxia (53241-ND2)
- Development of a Catalytic, Asymmetric Aza-Cope Rearrangement and Mannich Cyclization (51961-UR1)
- Direct Access of Chemically Differentiated 1,2-Diols from Oxime-Masked Mono-Alcohols (52782-DNI1)
- Direct Characterization of the Structure and Dynamics of Catalytic Monolayers by Coherent Surface-Specific 2D-IR Spectroscopy (53053-DNI6)
- Direct Investigations of Enhanced Oil Recovery by Sequential Waterflooding with Microscale Models (52923-DNI9)
- Direct Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal Pipelines: A New Approach (52177-ND9)
- Direct Simulation of Slip and Transitional Flows of Gas in Nanoporous Media using Lattice Boltzmann and DSMC (52520-DNI8)
- Dissolution of Pt Catalyst During Electroreduction of Oxygen (53491-ND5)
- Drop Coalescence (52433-ND9)
- Dynamic Synthesis and Assembly of Nanoporous Materials (52906-DNI10)
- Dynamics and Kinetics of Carbon Dioxide in Nano-Porous Materials Environment from Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations (52494-DNI6)
- Dynamics of Confined Polymer Liquids and Glasses under Positive and Negative Pressures (52970-ND7)
- Dynamics of Ultra-Thin Polymer Films (51983-ND7)
- Effective, Catalyzed and Electrophilic Cyclization Reactions Leading to Highly and Diversely Substituted Fluoroheterocycles (52858-UR1)
- Effects of Confinement on Phase Behavior, Structure, and Dynamics of Attractive Colloidal Suspensions (52537-DNI7)
- Effects of Ions on Interfacial Tension and Electrical Double Layer (53404-ND5)
- Effects of Mixture Adsorbates on Zeolite Unit Cell Dimensions (53488-DNI5)
- Effects of Oxygen Vacancies of Catalyst Surfaces on Reactivity and Selectivity of Carbon Dioxide Reduction with Hydrogen (52636-DNI5)
- Electric Field-Induced Reactions in Fuel Cells From First Principles (52769-DNI5)
- Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation by Manganese Pyridinophane Complexes (50971-ND3)
- Electron Driven Formation of Aromatic and Nonaromatic Substituted Isocyanurates and Isocyanuratocyclophanes from Isocyanates (51677-UR4)
- Electron-Induced Reactions: From Methods for Characterization of Intermediates to Mechanisms (52486-UR6)
- Electronically Responsive Ligands: Toward Two-Electron Reactivity with Earth-Abundant Transition Metals (53254-DNI3)
- Elucidating Competing Transport and Kinetic Mechanisms for Understanding Material Durability of Carbon Felt Electrodes (52588-ND10)
- Elucidating the Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Layered Vanadium Oxides for Next-Generation Energy Storage (52827-DNI10)
- Elucidating the Structure and Properties of Model Bottlebrush Polymers (52345-DNI7)
- Elucidation of Reactions Mediated by Sulfidic Carbonate and Clay Depositions: The Search for New Organic Reactions Mediated by Natural Materials (51785-ND2)
- Elucidation of Sulfur Chemical Forms in Petroleum and Coal Derived Asphaltenes (49498-UR2)
- Elucidation of the Electronic Effect on Palladium-Based Catalysts for the Electro-Oxidation of Formate in Alkaline Media (53133-UNI5)
- Enantioselective Allylic Amination of Olefins (51710-DNI1)
- Engineering of Interfacial Barrier Properties to Reduce Oxidation in Emulsions (53617-UNI5)
- Enhanced Oil Recovery by Analysis and Control of Vortex Flow in Porous Media (51245-UNI8)
- Evaluating Li Isotope Preservation in Carbonates and Implications for Use of Li as a Carbon Cycle Paleoproxy (53418-DNI2)
- Evaluating the Mechanisms for Episodic Filling and Erosion in Wedge-Top and Proximal Foreland Environments in the Precordillera, San Juan Province, Argentina (52480-DNI8)
- Evolution of Seawater Mg/Ca Ratios: New Constraints from the Carbonate 'Clumped Isotope' Thermometer (52977-ND2)
- Examining Evidence for a Dynamic Sulfur Cycle During the Early Triassic with Isotopic Measurements of Carbonate Associated Sulfate (52457-ND2)
- Experimental Determination and Bond Energy Decomposition Analysis of Metal-Olefin Bonding Interactions: Towards a Quantitative Metal-Olefin Bonding Model (50687-UR6)
- Experimental Investigations of Radical-Particle Reactions Relevant to Hydrocarbon Pyrolysis (53105-DNI6)
- Experimental Study on Nonlinear Optics and Wave Dynamics in Colloidal Suspensions with Negative Polarizability (52644-UR6)
- Experimental Synthesis of Authigenic Clay Minerals: Implications for Lacustrine Deposition and Diagenesis (50759-UR2)
- Experimental and Numerical Studies of Liquid Crystal Defects in Confined Geometries (53018-ND7)
- Exploratory Synthesis and Characterization of Pyrochlore Oxynitrides for Solid State Lighting (52309-ND10)
- Exploring Electronic-Transfer Pathways of Hot Electrons in Organically-Assisted Metal Catalysts (51290-ND6)
- Exploring Salt Tectonics and Surface Processes, Kuqa Fold-Thrust Belt, Western China (53549-ND8)
- Exploring the Controllable Uptake and Release of Pyridinium Ions with a Photoactive Calixarene-Capped Azobenzene (51689-UR4)
- FTIR Analysis of the Radical and Molecular Products of Thermal Decomposition of Aldehydes and Nitrite Esters (53036-UR4)
- Field Study of Fundamental Controls on Methane Formation in a Coalbed Methane Reservoir (53188-UNI2)
- Fine-Sediment Storage and Bypass in Sandy Fluvial Systems (51950-DNI8)
- Fingerprinting Non-Linear Response of Star-Branched and Dendritic Polymers: LAOS, Lissajous and Harmonics (53205-ND7)
- Flow Response to Transient Forcing in Porous Media (53314-DNI8)
- Flower-Mimetic Hydrogels: Materials that Grow Towards Light (52731-DNI7)
- Fluid Evolution and Changes in Deformation Conditions During the Formation of the Central Appalachian Fold-and-Thrust Belt of Pennsylvania (51793-UR8)
- Fluid Flow Analysis in Fractured Rock using Structural Geometry and Geochemical Tracers (Noble Gas Isotopes and Trace Elements) (51202-ND8)
- Fluid Flow and Solute Migration in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (51984-UR9)
- Foldameric Catalysts for Enantioselective Trifluoromethylations of Ketones and Enones (52943-UNI1)
- Formation of Cyano-Carbenes from Alkynes and Azides Using Hypervalent Iodine (52488-DNI1)
- Frustrated Metal-Ligand Interactions: C-H Activation and Functionalization (53536-DNI3)
- Functional Nanostructured Oxides for Electrochemical Energy Storage (51311-DNI10)
- Fundamental Antenna-Receiver Interactions in Metal-Based Light-Harvesting Nanostructures Studied by Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy (51233-DNI6)
- Fundamental Chemistry of the Re(CO)3(H2O)3+ Synthon (51085-UR3)
- Fundamental Simulations of Jamming in Confining Geometries: Effects from Surfaces, Obstacles and Exits (51889-UR5)
- Fundamental Studies of Diffusion and Retention on Porous Polymer Monolith Stationary Phases Used in Capillary Electrochromatography (50594-UR5)
- Fundamental Studies of Swelling Hysteresis in Humidity Sensitive Polymer Films (51042-UNI7)
- Fundamental Studies of the Morphology and Dynamics of the Phase Entrapment in Immiscible Two-Phase Flow through Porous Media (52054-DNI6)
- Fundamental Studies of the Removal of Particulate Fines From Solvents Using Water Droplets as Collector Particles (52539-ND9)
- Fundamental Understanding of the Reaction To Generate Organic Diazo Compound from Azido-Organic Starting Materials (53347-DNI1)
- Gas Phase Ion Dissociation Dynamics through Photoionization Mass Spectrometry (51896-UNI4)
- Gas-Phase UV Grafting on Surface-Initiated ROMP Coatings for Improved Stability (52743-DNI5)
- Gasoline Selective Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in Structured Catalytic Reactors (53648-DNI5)
- Geometrically Cohesive Granular Materials: Experiment and Simulation (51438-UR10)
- Geophysical Monitoring of Mechanical and Chemical Alteration of Frictional Discontinuities (52265-ND8)
- Giant Enhancement in Effective Piezoelectric Sensitivity of Piezoelectric Polymers (52695-ND10)
- Graphene-Integrated Durable Rubber Sealants for Petroleum Exploration (52308-DNI10)
- Green Solventless Fabrication of Ionic Liquid/Polymer Composites Using Vapor Phase Polymerization (52352-DNI5)
- Harnessing Zwitterions for Late-Transition-Metal Catalysis (53298-DNI3)
- High Pressure Properties of Materials (52053-ND10)
- High-Fidelity Iso-Octane Ignition Kinetics: New Rigor for an Unresolved Problem (53521-DNI6)
- Homogeneous Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts for the Conversion of Syngas into Higher Order Hydrocarbons (53427-UR3)
- Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Nanoscale Arrays: Structural Control and Mechanisms of Formation (51804-DNI10)
- Hydrazone-Based Rotary Switches as Proton-Relay Systems (51842-DNI4)
- Hydrogels Based on Dynamic Covalently Linking and Crosslinking (51048-ND7)
- Hydrogen Bond Catalysis and Anion Molecular Recognition (52655-ND4)
- Hydrogen Production via Homogeneous Catalysis: Investigations of the Water-Gas-Shift Reaction (51747-UR3)
- Hydrogen-Bonding Control of Solvatochromism and Non-Radiative Decay in the Fluorescence of PRODAN Derivatives (52071-UR4)
- Hydrolytic Activation of Shape-Memory Elastomers (51980-DNI7)
- Hydrophobic Interactions Between Surfaces (52888-ND5)
- Hyperpycnal Subaqueous Fans of the Northern Santa Barbara Channel, Central California (52790-ND8)
- Identification of Lithium Ion Battery Electrode Structural Inhomogeneity and Its Effect on Battery Performance (52834-DNI10)
- Identifying Molecular Structures of Polymers with Asymptotic Nonlinear Shear Rheology (53243-DNI7)
- Impact of Solvent-Solute Interactions on Photochemistry of p-Aminobenzoic Acid Derivatives (53159-UR4)
- Imparting Precious Metal Properties to First-Row Metals for C-H Activation: Ligation to Inexpensive, Heavy Main Group Donors (53542-DNI3)
- Improving the Cyclability of Iron Pyrite (p-FeS2) Cathodes in Lithium Ion Batteries Through Carbon Nanotube Encapsulation (52877-DNI10)
- In-situ Monitoring of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions Under Realistic Conditions (52424-ND5)
- Incorporation of Calix[4]crowns Into Metal-Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen Storage (52586-UNI10)
- 'Intelligence' of Heterogeneous Materials/Structures (52369-ND7)
- Interactions, Phase Behavior, and Clustering Dynamics of Polymer-Grafted, Shaped Nanoparticles (52515-ND7)
- Interfacial Viscoelasticity of Crude Oils: The Role of Asphaltenes (52848-ND5)
- Intramolecular Oxidopyrylium Ylide-Silyl Enol Ether [5C+2C] Cycloadditions (53368-UNI1)
- Investigating How Polymer Conformation Depends on Polymer Confinement between Surfaces and Its Effect on Surface-Surface Interactions (53144-ND7)
- Investigation of Fundamental Dynamic Petrophysical Properties of Gas-Bearing Shales (52817-ND9)
- Investigation of Host-Guest Interactions in Metal-Organic Framework Materials Using Spectroscopic Methods (52148-DNI5)
- Investigation of Ignition and Soot Formation Trends During High-Temperature Oxidation of Gasoline and Furan Blends (52821-DNI4)
- Investigation of a Stereoselective Tandem Inverse-Demand Hetero-Diels-Alder/Tin-Free Radical Process for the Synthesis of Highly Substituted Heterocycles (53237-UR1)
- Investigation of the Stabilization of Boron-Containing Cations by Azametallocene Donors: Applications to Reduction, Hydroboration and Borylation Reactions (51900-UNI1)
- Ion Gels from Block Copolymers Composed of Liquid Crystalline Units and Brush-Like Moieties in Ionic Liquids Part 2 (50863-ND7)
- Large 'Molecular Panel' Based Metal-Organic Architectures for Gas Storage and Catalysis (52907-ND10)
- Ligands for the Cobalt-Catalyzed Dimerization of Alpha Olefins (51716-UR3)
- Linking Coastal Terrestrial Ecosystems and Eustatic Sea-Level Changes: A Case Study in the Tornillo Group (Big Bend National Park, TX) (52222-ND2)
- Linking Fractional Free Volume to Gas Solubility and Membrane Permeability in Ionic Liquids (52190-DNI9)
- Low Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of Earth Abundant Metal Borates for Energy Storage (52682-ND10)
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Lodo Formation and Kinematics of the Vallecitos Syncline, California (53255-UR8)
- Manufacturing and Study of the Properties of Liquid Marbles Obtained with Crude Oil and Liquid Petroleum Products (52043-UR5)
- Mechanical Control of Molecular Encapsulation (52339-ND7)
- Mechanism of Multi-Spectral Infrared Imaging on Water-Oil Mixture (53486-UNI6)
- Mechanism of Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Alkane on Supported Vanadium Oxide (51723-DNI5)
- Mechanisms and Dynamics of Carbene Additions to Anti-Bredt Olefins (52099-UR4)
- Mechanistic Studies of Transition-Metal Catalyzed, MAO-Assisted Olefin Polymerization (53415-ND4)
- Melting of Three Dimensional Colloidal Crystals (53163-UR6)
- Mesoscale Simulation and Machine Learning of Asphaltene Aggregation (54240-DNI6)
- Metal Catalyzed C-H Bond Activation and Allyl Addition: Development of New Transition Metal Catalysis for Practical and Uniquely Efficient Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions (52447-DNI1)
- Metal Clusters Sequestered in Micropores of Hierarchical Lamellar Zeolites: Protected Active Sites and Enhanced Mass Transport for Heteroatom-Tolerant Catalysts (52089-DNI5)
- Metal Oxide Cathodes and High-Conductivity Ionic Liquids for Next-Generation Batteries (52056-ND10)
- Metal-Free Activation of Nitrogen Oxides for Hydrocarbon Functionalization (51971-ND3)
- Metal-Organic Framework Catalyst for Organic Compound Conversion (53490-ND10)
- Methods for Closed-Loop Chemical Production Scheduling (53313-ND9)
- Mixed Transition-Metal Sulfides and Sulfo-Fluorides for Rechargeable Li-ion Batteries (52761-ND10)
- Molecular Theory and Constitutive Models for Wormlike Micellar Solutions (53466-ND9)
- Monitoring Changes in Nanoparticle Electronics with Hammett Studies of Dendrimer Templated Supported Gold Catalysts (53510-UR5)
- Morphology-Controllable Synthesis and Characterization of Low-Temperature Active Rare-Earth Oxide Nanocatalysts (52323-UNI10)
- Multi-Scale Hydrodynamics of Bubble-Particle Interaction (52332-DNI9)
- Multi-Scale Investigation of Viscoelastic Micellar Fluids in Complex Flows (52295-DNI9)
- Multi-proxy Paleoceanographic Study of the Turonian-Campanian Niobrara Formation of the U.S. Western Interior (52978-ND8)
- Multiphase Flow Dynamics and Evaporation Kinetics of Energetic Nanofuels (52949-ND9)
- Multiple Sulfur Isotope Tests for Sulfur Radical Chemistry During Petroleum Formation and Degradation (52623-ND2)
- Multiscale Investigation of Asphaltene Self-Assembly (52100-ND6)
- Multiscale Modeling of Nanoparticle Membranes: Structure, Mechanical Properties, and Molecular Filtration (53062-ND6)
- Multiscale Modelling of the Interface of Model Crude Oils with Water (51836-ND9)
- N-Alkyl Urea Peptoid Oligomers as a New Type of Self-Assembling, Highly Versatile Soft Materials for Applications Involving Organogelators (51850-DNI7)
- Nanofabrication of Porous Membranes for Separations of Gaseous Energy Carriers Under Conditions of Single-File Diffusion (53140-ND10)
- Nanoscale Actinide Clusters (52382-ND3)
- Nanoscale Tribocharging Mechanism and Mechanical Properties Investigation of Novel Organic and Inorganic Nano-Object-Petroleum Hybrid Lubricants (52388-ND5)
- New Approaches to Alkene Functionalization via Dehydrogenative Metallation Catalyzed by First-Row Transition Metals (53146-ND1)
- New Computational Methods to Accurately Predict Electronic Spin Resonance (ESR) Tensors and Their Applications to the Observed ESR Spectra of Petroleum Species (51773-ND6)
- New Homoleptic Rare-Earth Metal Complexes for Catalytic Hydrophosphination (52709-ND3)
- New Hybrid Catalyst Materials: Confined Growth of Noble Metal Nanoparticles at Well-Defined Seed Points inside Phosphine Coordination Materials (51948-DNI3)
- New Multiferroics Based on 2D Frustrated Sublattices (51374-UR10)
- New Strategies for the Preparation of Graphene Nanoribbons (51719-ND10)
- New Studies in Alkene 'Pseudohalogen' Difunctionalization (50808-ND1)
- New Synthetic Methodology to Prepare Imine Derivatives in Single, Predictable Geometric Configurations (50612-UR1)
- Ni Isotopes as Novel Methanogenesis Tracers in Organic-rich Sediments (51822-ND2)
- Nickel Catalyzed C-H Arylation using C-O Electrophiles (52224-UNI3)
- Nitrogen Isotopes of Porphyrins from Source Rocks (52823-DNI2)
- Non-Catalytic Reactions Producing Phenols from Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Hydrogen Peroxide and Supercritical and Subcritical Water (52948-UNI9)
- Non-Newtonian Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media Systems (51832-DNI9)
- Non-adiabatic Dynamics of Small Polyphenyls Studied with Time-Resolved Spectroscopies (52157-DNI6)
- Nonlinear Light Scattering from Micelles and Emulsion: Development of a Versatile Probe of Structure and Kinetics (52618-ND6)
- Nonlinear electrohydrodynamics of emulsions in strong electric fields (53240-ND9)
- Novel Catalytic Enantioselective [3,3]-Sigmatropic Rearrangements for the Preparation of Highly Substituted Fused Heterocycles and Biaryls (51707-DNI1)
- Novel Polymer Coupling via Thiazolidine Chemistry (52090-UR7)
- Novel Polymeric Architectures from Monomers with Multiple Reactive Centers (52705-DNI7)
- Novel Topologically Constrained Transition Metal Complex Oxidation Catalysts (53234-UR3)
- Numerical Simulation and Modeling of Atomization of Hydrocarbons (51834-ND9)
- Oil Water Separations from Zone Annealed Block Copolymer Films (52997-ND7)
- Optoelectronic Investigation of Fundamental Mass Transport Mechanisms in Metallic Solid-Solution Nanocrystals (52582-DNI10)
- Organic Solvent-Specific Gating Motions of an Extremophilic Lipase (52616-DNI6)
- Organocatalytic Routes to Stereogenic, alpha, alpha-Disubstituted Cycloalkanones (52184-ND1)
- Organocatalyzed Electroorganic Synthesis (51545-DNI1)
- PAH Excited State Dynamics (53061-ND6)
- Petroleomics: Elucidation of Chemical Composition and Functionality of Compounds Resistant to Asphaltene Inhibitors (50670-UR6)
- Phase Behavior of Giant Spherical Amphiphilic Block Copolymers in Solutions (53461-DNI7)
- Phosphorus-Hydrogen Activation Using Alkynylmetal Complexes: New Methodology for the Preparation of Metallopolymers (51819-UR1)
- Photochemical Control of Nanoparticle Aggregation (51997-UR7)
- Photochemistry and Reactivity of Heterosubstituted Maltol Chelates (51921-ND3)
- Photochemistry and Unimolecular Dynamics of Criegee Intermediates (53320-ND6)
- Photolabile Protecting Group-Based New Method for the Development of Photodegradable Polymers (51827-ND7)
- Planar Chiral Sulfinyl Diene Iron(0) Tricarbonyl Complexes as a Platform for Diastereoselective Synthesis of Spiroketals (50675-UR1)
- Polyaromatic Metal Complexes: Pathways to Graphene Sandwiches (51546-UR3)
- Polynuclear Manganese-Oxo Clusters as New Types of Homogeneous Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation (52242-ND3)
- Prediction of the Stimulated Reservoir Volume and Production Performance in Unconventional Reservoirs from Monitoring Observations of Coupled Thermal, Geomechanical and Transport Processes (52864-ND9)
- Pressurized Hydraulic Fracturing of the Devonian Marcellus Shale with Liquid CO2: Impact on Enhanced Gas Recovery (52387-ND8)
- Probing Heterogeneous Electron Transfer Processes in Next-Generation Photovoltaics Using Single-Molecule Spectroscopy (50873-UNI6)
- Probing Phonons in Low-Dimensional Thermoelectric Materials by Raman Spectroscopy (53401-UNI10)
- Prodigiosin-Based Platforms in Metalloradical Complexes for Dioxygen Activation and Oxidative Catalysis (51754-DNI3)
- Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Ground-State Charge Transfer Reactions: Bi-molecular PCET and Intervalent Charge Transfer (52165-UNI4)
- Quantitative Constraints on Thermal Histories in Carbonates and Marine Shales: Conodont (U-Th)/He Thermochronology (53525-ND8)
- Quantized Phonon Dynamics for Thermoelectrics (52463-DNI10)
- Rapid Prediction of Sulfide and Oxide Catalyst Surface Structures Using Insight from Density Functional Theory (52279-DNI5)
- Rapid-Thermal Catalytic Conversion of Petroleum Products into Multilayer Graphene (53270-DNI10)
- Rational Synthesis of Iridium(III)-Alkane Complexes (53315-ND3)
- Re-Examination of Environmental Controls on Bacterial Branched Tetraether Lipids using North American Soils (51690-ND2)
- Reading River Response to Climate Change from River Terraces and Meander Dynamics (53204-ND8)
- Realizing the Selectivity of Exothermic Partial Oxidation Reactions (52789-ND9)
- Redox Robust Non-Noble Metal Catalysis (53621-DNI3)
- Redox-Active Aluminum Complexes for Application in Carbonyl Reduction (52181-UNI3)
- Regioselective Semihydrogenation of Dienes (50719-UR1)
- Relationships of Primary Sedimentary Facies to Physical and Chemical Properties of the Marcellus Shale in Central New York State (52282-ND8)
- Remodeling C-H Bonds: Selective Catalysis of Hydrogen Atom Transfer (52252-DNI1)
- Remote Directed Carbon-Hydrogen Activation using Bifunctional Catalysts (51706-DNI1)
- Reorganization Energy for Electron Transfer Reactions in Ionic Fluids (51191-ND6)
- Resolving the Silurian Petroleum System on the Western Margin of the Appalachian Basin: Integrated High-Resolution d13C, Conodont, and Chitinozoan Bio-Chemostratigraphy and the Continuing Search for the Source of Silurian-Hosted Hydrocarbon Resources (53196-DNI8)
- Robust Redox Shuttles for Overcharge Protection of Lithium Ion Batteries (51860-DNI10)
- Role of Drainage Channels on Lubrication Forces (51803-ND5)
- Role of Elastic Instabilities around Confined Cylinders on Excess Pressure Drop and Oil Displacement (53312-DNI9)
- Ruthenium and Osmium Alkylidyne Complexes as Catalysts/Initiators for the Ring-Opening Alkyne Metathesis Polymerization (52722-DNI7)
- Scaling of Deposition Rates and Deposits from Buoyant River Plumes (51958-ND8)
- Selectivity Control in Aqueous Phenol Hydrogenation Using Palladium Nanocatalysts (52768-UR5)
- Selectivity Control of Heterogeneous Catalysis: Designing Selective Reaction Cavities on Well-Defined Metal Surfaces (53659-DNI5)
- Self-Assembly Approach to Multiferroic Polymer Nanocomposites (52346-ND7)
- Self-Assembly of Catalysts and Ligands by Reversible Covalent Interactions of Organoboron Compounds (51929-ND1)
- Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture Along Depositional-Strike in Shallow-Marine Outcrops, Wasatch Plateau, Utah (50310-DNI8)
- Sequence Stratigraphy, Detrital Zircon Geochronology, and Shale Geochemistry of Middle to Late Ordovician Quartzites in North America to Understand Provenance, Sediment Dispersal and Paleoclimate (51156-ND8)
- Signature of Molecular Environment in Spectroscopy Measurement of Water and Aqueous Solutions Studied by Advanced ab Initio Methods (53482-DNI6)
- Site-Specific Isotope Fractionation of Hydrocarbons by Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy (51786-ND2)
- Sol-Gel Assembly of Hollow Metal Particles Into a New Class of Porous Nanostructures and Their Application in Heterogeneous Catalysis (52423-DNI10)
- Solid-State Chemistry of the Nitrile Oxides (53166-UR4)
- Solvation Dynamics in Ionic Liquids (52648-ND6)
- Speciation and Sequestration of Rhenium in Sulfidic and Polysulfidic Natural Waters (52201-UR2)
- Spectroscopic Characterization of Pt(II) Catalytic C-H Activation Intermediates (53103-DNI6)
- Spectroscopic Investigation of Vibronic Interactions in Molecules with Low Symmetry (53476-DNI6)
- Spectroscopic Study of Graphene Halogenation Dynamics in the Gas Phase and in Solution: New Two-Dimensional Materials for Catalysis (53258-UNI6)
- Square Arrays of Cylinders in Thin Films of Symmetric ABC Triblock Copolymers (52701-DNI7)
- Stabilization of Low-Oxidation State Main Group Complexes with sigma-Acceptor Z-Type Ligands (52856-ND3)
- Stabilized Nanoparticle Partitioning and Interfacial Behavior in Oil-Brine Systems (52640-DNI10)
- Stable Isotope Investigation of Organic Carbon-Bearing Precambrian Shales (53147-ND2)
- Stable Vanadium Isotopes in Crude Oils and Their Source Rocks: A New Tool to Understand the Processes Governing Petroleum Generation (52378-DNI2)
- Stamping Ordered Molecular Monolayers Using Liquid Crystal Inks (51329-UR5)
- Stereoselective Homoallylation of Aldehydes and Related Compounds (51975-DNI1)
- Stereoselective N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) Catalyzed Oxidopyrylium-Enolate [5+2] Cycloadditions towards Bridged, Polycyclic Ethers (52391-UNI1)
- Structural Transition in Ru-Based Catalysts and Its Kinetic Consequences During Hydrodenitrogenation (53634-ND5)
- Structure and Dynamic Studies in Metal-Organic Materials (52475-ND10)
- Structure-Activity Study of Triazolium-Containing Michael Addition Polyesters (53097-UNI7)
- Studies on the Synergistic Effects of Each Component of Hierarchical Ternary Nanocomposites for Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes (51497-UNI10)
- Super-Adiabatic Combustion in Porous Media with Catalytic Enhancement for Thermoelectric Power Conversion (51768-ND10)
- Supercritically Functionalized Nonstructures for Methane Reforming (53614-UR10)
- Supramolecular Gels and Nanocomposites with Multiple Stimuli Responsive Behavior (53456-ND7)
- Supramolecular Interactions of pi-Acidic Naphthalenediimide Receptors with Anions (51737-DNI4)
- Surface Immobilization of Cobalt-Diglyoxime Complexes: The Effects of Interfacial Chemistry on Electrocatalytic Activity in Aqueous Media (51724-UNI5)
- Sustainable Catalysts for Feedstock Chemical Functionalization (52183-DNI1)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Core-Shell Nanowire Array as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Battery Application (51766-ND10)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Dyads Capable of Achieving Photoexcited Two-Electron Charge-Separated States (51962-ND3)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Separated Graphene Sheets Without Substrates (51799-ND10)
- Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel and Entirely Green Hydrogenation Catalyst: Nitrogen Oligomer (53582-ND10)
- Synthesis and Design of New N-Heteroaromatic Materials (51853-ND7)
- Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of Novel Polyanion Materials for High Capacity Li-Ion Cathodes (52830-DNI10)
- Synthesis and Multilayering of Poly(4-vinylphenol) Derivatives for Future Applications as Proton Exchange Membranes in Fuel Cells (52049-UR5)
- Synthesis and Structure-Property Relationship Studies of Polymers Containing Core-Substituted Naphthalene Diimides (52275-DNI7)
- Synthesis and Thermophysical Behaviors of Mesothermal Liquid Salts (53212-UR4)
- Synthesis of Azaannulenes Related to the Porphyrins (52798-UR1)
- Synthesis of Cationic Nickel(II) Complexes Containing Hemilabile Groups for Use as Alkene Hydrogenation Catalysts (53605-UNI3)
- Synthesis of Crystalline Porous Materials with Functional Open Metal Sites (50635-UR10)
- Synthesis of Diarylnorbornadiene Derivatives and their Potential Use in Solar to Thermal Energy Conversion (50664-UR4)
- Synthesis of Ester and Amide Functionalized Polyethylene: New Polyolefin Architectures, Their Resulting Thermal and Mechanical Properties, and Controllable Depolymerization (53041-UNI7)
- Synthesis of Metastable Solid State Materials Using Organometallic Reagents (52146-DNI10)
- Synthesis of Multivalent and Multimodal Nanoparticles by 'Clicking-To' Multiblock Dendrimers (53195-DNI7)
- Synthesis of Nanostructured Multi-Metallic Carbide Materials for Inexpensive Catalysts and Catalyst Supports (53668-DNI10)
- Synthesis of New Tunable Porous Coordination Materials to Demonstrate Geared Motion in Solid-State Materials (51012-UNI10)
- Synthesis of Novel Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Derived from Benzotriphenylene (50797-UR10)
- Synthesis of Ruthenium Dioxide Nanoparticles and Clusters with Tailored Size-and Surface-Dependent Properties for Enhanced Catalytic Applications (52145-UR5)
- Synthetic Applications of Gamma-Hydroxybutenolides (52762-UR1)
- Tailoring Surface Electronic Structure: Probing the Effect on Chemical Activity (52921-ND5)
- Tailoring the Chemical Structure of Conducting Polymers and Dopants To Enhance Electromechanical Actuation (53340-UNI7)
- Temperature-Tunable and Switchable Colloidal Interactions in Multi-Component Fluids (51694-ND10)
- Terrestrial Biomarker Transport Mechanisms and Implications for Interpreting Terrestrial Biomarker Signals in Oils and Bitumens (51787-DNI2)
- Testing Models of Dune Field Pattern Formation in Ancient Aeolian Stratigraphic Successions - Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone, Utah and Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone, Gulf of Mexico (53544-DNI8)
- Testing the 'Clumped Isotope Method' Under Conditions of Well-Constrained Diagenesis (52863-ND2)
- Tetrazines for Hydrogen Storage (50941-ND7)
- The Characterization and Conformational Preferences of Long Alkyl Chains Using Advanced Broadband Microwave Spectroscopy (53451-UR6)
- The Characterization and Synthetic Utility of Complexes Made from Samarium Diiodide and Anionic Phosphoramides (52067-UR1)
- The Effects of Micro-Structure on the Rheology of Heavy Crude Oil (53099-DNI9)
- The Fundamental Nature of Sulfur-Lone Pair Interactions (52801-ND4)
- The Generation of Acylnitrenes Via Oxidation of Nitriles (52040-ND1)
- The Kinetics of Aggregating Dyes (51031-UR4)
- The Paleogeographic Origin of the Nacimiento Block, Central California Coast (51941-UNI8)
- The Relationship Between the Supercooled Liquid Region, Elemental Enthalpy of Hydride Formation, and Hydrogen Embrittlement in Amorphous Metallic Thin Films (52461-DNI10)
- The Role of Protons in Charge Transfer Reactions of Metal Oxide/Solution Interfaces (51178-ND3)
- The Role of the Support in MAO (Methylaluminoxane) Activated Olefin Polymerization (51672-DNI6)
- The Selective and Sequential Chemistry of Electronically-Coupled Lactones (51880-ND4)
- The Synthesis and Characterization of Early Transition-Metal Complexes with Terminal Nitrido Ligands (50700-UR3)
- The Synthesis of C4 Symmetric Oxacalix[4]arenes and Related Macrocycles (52318-UNI1)
- The Use of Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements to Monitor Microbial Growth (52293-DNI8)
- The Use of Terminally-Functionalized, Atactic- Polypropylene Oligomers as Supports for Homogeneous Catalysis (53245-UNI1)
- Theoretical Considerations of Conjugated Polymer Self-Assembly (51837-DNI6)
- Theoretical Study of the Rheology and Characteristic Length Scales of Granular Flows and Suspensions Based on an Analogy with the Plasticity of Glasses (52031-DNI9)
- Theoretically Guided Design of Efficient Polymer Dielectrics (51995-ND7)
- Thermodynamic Insights into Surfactant Assembly in Protic Ionic Liquids (53264-ND6)
- Thermodynamics of Nanoconfined Equilibrium Polymerizations (52426-ND7)
- Thiohydroxamic Acids as Novel Reagents for the Construction of Heterocycles (53538-DNI1)
- Toward Efficient Design of Noncentrosymmetric Oxyfluorides: Ab Initio Crystal Engineering of Next-Generation Catalysts (52138-DNI10)
- Toward Improved Heterogeneous Catalysts for Olefin Metathesis (51762-ND5)
- Towards Pt-Catalyzed C-C Bond Formation of Hydrocarbons (53316-ND3)
- Towards spatially-resolved ultrafast imaging of individual reduced graphene oxide sheets (51675-ND6)
- Transitions and Instabilities in Shear Banding Fluids (53143-ND9)
- Triazole-Containing Tridentate Anionic Chelators for Lanthanide and Group VIII Organometallic Complexes (52779-UR3)
- Tuning the Performance of Microchannel Steam Methane Reforming Reactors via Modular Design and Phase Change Temperature Control (52335-DNI9)
- Two-Dimensional Nanoporous Self-Assembled Molecular Layers: New Structures for Selective Adsorption and Catalysis (52696-ND5)
- Two-Phase Flow in Constrictions (53444-DNI9)
- 238U/235U Ratio as a Tracer of Paleoredox Conditions: Application to the Oxygenation of the Global Ocean Throughout Earth History (52964-ND2)
- Ultrafast Dynamics of Organic and Molecular Electronics Components (53045-DNI6)
- Ultrasonic Studies of Jamming Transitions (51987-ND9)
- Understand Methane Hydrates Formation through Accelerated Molecular Simulations (52101-DNI6)
- Understanding Diradical Behavior in Asphaltene Model Compounds (51272-UR6)
- Understanding Factors that Control Gas Hydrate Stability: Does Microbial Activity Induce Gas Hydrate Dissolution? (52128-DNI2)
- Understanding Gas Reactivity at an Interface Using Petroleum Products (53493-DNI10)
- Understanding Interfacial Phenomena Related to Enhanced Oil Recovery (51898-ND6)
- Understanding Ionic Liquid Aided Graphene Production by Exfoliation of Graphite (51865-DNI10)
- Utilizing Carboxylic Acids to Promote Rapid and Selective Iron Catalyzed Epoxidations of Alkenes (51964-UNI3)
- Utilizing Halogenated Carbonyls to Direct Stereoselective Synthesis (51369-UR1)
- Validating Computational Design Principles for Crystalline Enzyme Assemblies (52404-DNI10)
- Variations in 17O/16O and 18O/16O of Meteoric Waters from the Conterminous USA (52642-DNI2)
- Vertical and Lateral Variability of Pennsylvanian and Permian Paleosols and Continental Ichnofossils of the Dunkard Basin: Resolving Local Complexity and Regional Patterns to Reconstruct Landscapes (52708-UR8)
- Vibration-Induced Stress and Surface Deformation in Bingham Fluids (50985-ND9)
- Vibrational Energy Dissipation in Fluid Systems and the Influence of Molecular Scale Organization (52692-ND6)
- Visualization of Hydrocarbon-Surfactant Interactions at the Molecular Level (52305-ND5)
- Volatile Heterometallic Molecular Precursors for Oxide, Fluoride, and Silicate Cathode Materials of Thin Film Lithium Ion Batteries (52674-ND10)
- Watching Single Catalyst Molecules in Action (52125-DNI4)
- Well-Defined Zinc and Aluminum Catalysts for Reduction of Petroleum Derived Products (53349-ND3)
- X-ray and Neutron Scattering Studies of Proton Conduction Pathways and Dynamics in Doped Pyrophosphates (52216-UR10)