Reports: UNI451896-UNI4: Gas Phase Ion Dissociation Dynamics through Photoionization Mass Spectrometry
James P. Kercher, PhD, Hiram College
The dissociation dynamics of
energy-selected ions of a variety of compounds have been investigated by
Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence (PEPICO)
Spectroscopy through the support of the ACS-PRF 51896UNI4 award.
The dissociation dynamics of
internal energy selected chromium hexacarbonyl cations, Cr(CO)6+,
have been investigated using the imaging photoelectron photoion
coincidence (iPEPICO) spectrometer at the Swiss Light
Source. All six carbonyl neutral ligands are removed in the 9 – 20 eV energy
range. Chromium hexacarbonyl cations
are metastable at the onset of the first carbonyl loss reaction on the time
scale of the experiment. The broad, asymmetric Cr(CO)5+
fragment ion time-of-flight (TOF) distribution, shown in figure 1, indicate the
molecular ion lifetime is on the order of microseconds.
The fractional parent and
daughter ion abundances as a function of the initial internal energy of the
parent ion, i.e. breakdown diagram (figure 2), as well as the dissociation
rates for the first CO loss were modeled using the statistical RRKM theory for unimolecular reactions. The excess energy redistribution
was also taken into account in a statistical framework.