Reports: DNI753287-DNI7: Combinatorial Approaches for the Discovery of Stimulus-Responsive Supramolecular Gels
Jonathan Pokorski, PhD, Case Western Reserve University
ACS PRF new investigator project aims to use combinatorial chemistry to
identify small molecules that will undergo supramolecular polymerization in
response to a given stimulus. This proposal was motivated by the many
environmental catastrophes that have been at the forefront of the news
recently, with the goal of sequestering environmental pollutants from large
bodies of water. The main goals of this proposal were to synthesize a split and
pool bead-based combinatorial library of small molecules that were sequence
defined and had the ability to fibrillize in response to a stimulus, develop a colorimetric
assay that allowed for visualization of fibrillization on a solid support, and
scale up synthesis of ‘hit’ compounds and test for their ability to provoke the
intended gelation response in bulk materials.
the first goal, we chose to use peptoids as our small molecule platform.
Peptoids are similar in nature to the polyamide backbone of natural peptoids,
however, the sidechain projects from the nitrogen rather than the
next step in the project was to determine ‘hit’ beads, or those that underwent
fibrillization under a given stimulus in an aqueous environment. We chose to
use dodecyne as our model pollutant, owing to its hydrophobicity, which would
mimic an oil spill.
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we were able to identify several beads that appeared to strongly interact with
dodecyne to form fibrils on-bead. From here, we are currently synthesizing a
peptoid standard which will allow for full sequence characterization of our hit
compounds. This purified sequence will be assayed by a commercial vendor that
is expert in peptoid sequencing, especially on bead. Once hit peptoid sequences
are confirmed the brightest beads will be synthesized in scale to evaluate gelation
activity. Briefly, concentration of both components, the peptoid and the
pollutant, will be varied to determine gel forming ability under numerous
condition, as evaluated through rheology and fluorescent recovery after
photobleaching (FRAP) experiments to determine material properties.
The PRF has been a very welcome funding source in the early stages of my independent career, allowing our research group to rapidly expand and provide support for a project that was a higher risk project than others funded by start-up funds within my lab. The funding has allowed me to hire a very experienced post-doc, wherein this would not have been possible off of start-up alone. By bringing Richard to the team, he has accelerated the results from my lab but more importantly he is a mentor to younger students. Richard has mentored 2 undergraduates on the PRF project and they have produced astounding results. Stacy Yeh received her B.S. this past year and made outstanding research progress over the course of this project, working closely together with her mentor. She is currently applying to medical school and will surely make for an excellent physician given her critical thinking skills developed within the lab. Once Stacy left, we hired Alex Prossnitz as an undergraduate researcher. In his early stages, he has shown an exceptional command of the research program and is rapidly helping to finish off the project. Alex has plans to go on to graduate school in a chemical science, and thus far it appears that he will be very well suited to be accepted to a top tier institution. As for my career, this has been an invaluable source of funds. By hiring Richard, it gave me a second set of eyes in the lab enabling a very strong start to my independent career. Funding from this grant immediately boosted the experience level of my lab and gave me a senior peer to bounce ideas off of, provided a second source of advice for younger students, and gave a head start on research productivity.