Reports: ND353316-ND3: Towards Pt-Catalyzed C-C Bond Formation of Hydrocarbons
Jennifer Love, The University of British Columbia
We have been exploring each of the steps of the proposed Pt-catalyzed conversion of methane into toluene or ethane (depending on the other reactants). We are evaluating the best ligands for each step of the process, with the hope that one ligand will work in each fundamental step of the proposed catalytic cycle.
We have discovered, for the first time, that certain Pt(II) complexes are capable of intermolecular oxidative addition of aryl halide bonds. This is a crucial discovery for the eventual development of catalytic coupling of aryl halides with methane to generate toluenes.
One of the key steps in the proposed catalytic cycle is to dehalogenate a LnPtR3Br
complex (where the R groups could be identical or different). This would result
in R-R reductive elimination and would generate LnPt,
which could then activate a hydrocarbon. We have synthesized a variety of Pt(II) complexes bearing tridentate, monoanionic
CNN ligands (where C = is an anionic or X-type ligand and both N donors are
neutral or L-type ligands). These complexes react with relatively lipophilic
Ag-salts (such as AgBF4), which efficiently dehalogenate
CNNPtIV-Br complex (
We have also demonstrated facile and reversible H/D exchange in PtII-hydrocarbyl fragments of dipyridyl ketone (DPK)PtIIMe2