Reports: ND1053140-ND10: Nanofabrication of Porous Membranes for Separations of Gaseous Energy Carriers Under Conditions of Single-File Diffusion
Kirk J. Ziegler, University of Florida
Sergey Vasenkov, University of Florida
Effective separation of light gases is important because of an increasing use of methane as a primary energy carrier. This work focuses on the development of a new separation strategy based on the single-file diffusion of select components in the gas mixture inside a porous membrane. Under these conditions, the effective diffusivity of a molecule is expected to decrease by many orders of magnitude in comparison to normal diffusion thus allowing for highly selective separations. The aim of this study is to fabricate model membranes capable of inducing single-file diffusion of molecules and on investigating diffusion in these membranes using pulsed field gradient (PFG) NMR at high field and high gradients.
(2) Fabricate sacrificial nanowires for pore formation
via monodisperse catalyst particle arrays. Although current approaches achieve
monodisperse catalyst particles on a surface, the particles tend to coalesce
and undergo Ostwald ripening during the growth of nanowires. Therefore, the
dimensions of the nanowires rarely match the initial diameter of the particles.
To overcome these problems, highly ordered AAO membranes are used to
C-13 and Xe-129 PFG-NMR at high
magnetic field of 17.6 T and large magnetic field gradients up to 30 T/m was
applied to study the diffusion of CO in L-Alanyl-L-Valine (AV) dipeptide
nanotubes and Xe in phenylethynylene bis urea nanotubes. The most interesting
results were obtained for diffusion of CO molecules in AV nanotubes at 298 K
for a broad range of diffusion times between 30 and 500 ms. The CO loadings in
the nanotubes corresponded to sorption equilibrium with 3 and 10 bar of CO in
the gas phase. Our preliminary PFG-NMR data indicate that the mean square
displacements (MSD) of CO molecules at different diffusion times exhibit
behavior that is intermediate between single-file and normal diffusion. Single-file
diffusion is expected in narrow one-dimensional channels where sorbate
molecules cannot pass one another. For sufficiently long channels, this leads
to increased MSD as a function of the square root of the diffusion time. In
contrast, MSD is proportional to diffusion time for normal diffusion because sorbate
molecules can pass one another. Under our measurement conditions, the nanotube
radius (around 0.25 nm) was comparable to the smallest dimension of CO
molecules. Hence, it is possible that mutual passages of CO molecules are not
completely excluded in AV nanotubes. This can explain the observed time
dependence of MSD, which appears to be intermediate between those corresponding
to the single-file and normal diffusion. PFG-NMR studies of mixtures of CO and
larger sorbate molecules, such as methane and Xe, in AVs will be carried out in
the near future. In these mixtures, the smaller sorbate (CO) is expected to
change to single-file diffusion because the presence of the larger sorbate species
(methane or Xe) would prevent mutual passages of CO and the larger sorbate in the
nanotubes. If successful, these studies will demonstrate induction of
single-file diffusion of sorbate molecules. Such single-file induction can be
used in highly-selective separations of gas mixtures.
(1) Fabricate porous membranes with dimensions below 10 nm. Highly
ordered porous membranes of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) were fabricated using
2-step anodization in selenic acid. As shown in Figure 1, the mean pore diameter
was measured to be 9.4 nm, which is a noticeably smaller distribution in size than
previously reported values (range of 7.1 – 13.4 nm). During the upcoming year,
further reductions in pore diameter will be achieved by the synthesis of carbon
nanotubes within the pore channels. The pore diameter will be controlled by the
number of shells of the CNT. The shell walls will also be atomically flat,
which is important for observing single-file diffusion.
measurements of single-file diffusion in nanoporous membranes. PFG-NMR at
high field and high gradients is uniquely suited for distinguishing between single-file
and normal diffusion. These studies have focused on model systems prior to
studies on the membranes fabricated above.