Reports: ND1052053-ND10: High Pressure Properties of Materials
Janice Lynn Musfeldt, University of Tennessee
Program scope
The goal of our research
program is to establish a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms underlying
the interplay between charge, structure, and magnetism in complex materials.
This insight facilitates the development of tunable multifunctional solids and
nanomaterials, which are scientifically and technologically important. Our main
strategy involves investigating the dynamic response of functional materials under
external stimuli such as high magnetic fields, under unusual chemical and
photochemical activation, and at very small sizes where quantum confinement
becomes apparent. This allows us to learn about the relationships between
different ordered and emergent states, explore the dynamic aspects of coupling,
and gain insight into the generality of these phenomena and their underlying
mechanisms. In addition to broadening the understanding of novel solids under
extreme conditions, multifunctional materials and their assemblies are of
interest for light harvesting, spintronic, and solid state lubrication
Recent progress
ACS-PRF New Directions initiative extends our program on “materials under
extreme conditions” to include pressure as a complementary tuning parameter, thus
allowing us to examine coupling phenomena that were previously out of reach. Two
examples in which pressure triggers a magnetic crossover in quantum magnets are
detailed below. We are also working to integrate high pressure
synchrotron-based spectroscopy into our regularly funded NSF program on molecular
quantum magnets, and we acquired our own diamond anvil cell to set up high
pressure capabilities in our home laboratory rather than relying solely on the
facilities at the Brookhaven synchrotron.
Pressure-driven high-to-low spin transition in the bimetallic quantum magnet[Ru2(O2CMe)4]3[Cr(CN)6]: Synchrotron-based infrared and Raman spectroscopies were brought
together with diamond anvil cell
techniques and an analysis of the magnetic properties to investigate the
pressure-induced high → low spin transition in [Ru2(O2CMe)4]3
[Cr(CN)6]. The extended nature of the diruthenium wave function
combined with coupling to chromium-related local lattice distortions changes
the relative energies of the π∗ and d∗
orbitals and drives the high → low spin transition on the mixed-valence
diruthenium complex. This is a rare example of an externally controlled
metamagnetic transition in which both spin-orbit and spin-lattice interactions
contribute to the mechanism. The resulting phase diagram, with its many
competing states, is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Schematic temperature-pressure-magnetic field phase diagram for [Ru2(O2 CMe)4]3[Cr(CN)6]. Different magnetic states are revealed in response to various external stimuli. The regimes obtained from an analysis of local lattice distortions are also represented.
Pressure-induced hydrogen bonding changes drive
magnetic crossover in pentacoordinate CuF2(H2O)2(3Cl-pyrd):
Hydrogen bonding plays a foundational role in the life, earth, and chemical
sciences, with its richness and strength depending on the situation. In
molecular materials, these interactions determine assembly mechanisms, control
superconductivity, and even permit magnetic exchange. In spite of its
long-standing importance, exquisite control of hydrogen bonding in molecule-based
magnets has only been realized in limited form and remains as one of the major
challenges. Recently, we revealed how a pressure-driven magnetic crossover in a
quantum magnet like CuF2(H2O)2(3-chloropyridine)
is, at heart, a change in the dimensionality of the hydrogen bonding network
(Fig. 2). Looking at it another way, pressure (and probably strain) control
network dimensionality which determines whether the antiferromagnetic or
ferromagneticstate is exposed. Similar pressure- and strain-driven crossover
mechanisms involving coordinated motion of hydrogen bond networks may play out
in other quantum magnets. These findings motivate our continuing work on
control of hydrogen bonding, magnetic crossover transitions, and piezomagnetism
in molecular quantum magnets.
Figure 2: Schematic view of the pressure-driven
antiferromagnetic → ferromagnetic transition in CuF2(H2O)2(3Cl-pyd)
which is driven by the change in dimensionality of the hydrogen bonding
network. Combined Raman and infrared measurements under compression reveal that
the magnetic crossover involves reversible formation of -OH...Cl
intermolecular hydrogen bonds that act as magnetic exchange linkages in the
third direction. There is also a higher pressure transition that corresponds to
a local lattice distortion around the pentacoordinate Cu site