Reports: ND552888-ND5: Hydrophobic Interactions Between Surfaces
Tonya L. Kuhl, University of California (Davis)
structural properties of fluids confined between solid surfaces are valuable
for interpreting fluid behavior as continuum theory breaks down. When coupled with force measurements in the surface
force apparatus (SFA), the changes in the fluid refractive index can shed light
on the mechanism of elusive surface interactions such as hydration,
hydrophobic, or solvation interactions.
For example, such measurements could be used to determine the properties
of a depletion layer near a surface like that found for water near a
hydrophobic surface. Likewise, the same approach can be applied to any adsorbed
or deposited film to determine the film’s thickness or refractive index and
quantify the properties of any polymer, surfactant or thin-film of interest. Such measurements are challenging due in
particular to systematic error which arises from uncertainty in substrate
properties and the effects of inhomogeneity in the fluid or film refractive
index that is not typically accounted for in optical analysis.
Although several
complimentary techniques are useful for measuring properties of the thin films
and fluids near surfaces such as elipsometry, quartz
crystal microbalance, x-ray and neutron reflectivity, and surface plasmon resonance spectrometry, none can match ultra-high
resolution SFA measurements which enable; (1) measurement of the interaction
force profile as a function of the absolute distance between the surfaces with
sub-angstrom (<0.1nm) resolution; and (2) measurement of the density of a
fluid or media confined between the two surfaces, via refractive index
measurements, as a function of the absolute surface separation.
Over the
past year and a half, we have made significant progress in developing an
interferometry data analysis method for determining the optical thickness of
thin films or any variation in the refractive index of a fluid or film near a
surface. In particular, the method does not require contacting or confining the
fluid or film, but importantly, can also be used to measure deviations in
refractive index induced or enhanced by confinement, as well. By analyzing data
taken at many inter-surface separation distances out to at least 300 nm, the
properties of a film can be quantitatively determined. The film can consist of
material deposited on the surface like a polymer brush, or variation in a
fluid’s refractive index near a surface resulting from, for example, a
concentration gradient, depletion in density of water near a hydrophobic
surface, confinement induced ordering, or surface roughness. Additionally, we
have carried out a thorough investigation of the effects of random and
systematic error in the surface force apparatus data analysis and modeling to
enable simultaneous measurement of the surface separation (<0.1nm) and
intervening refractive index (≤ 0.001) as a function of confinement. So far, these unique capabilities have been
used to determine the density distribution of adsorbed polymer films as shown
in Figure 1 and the breakdown in continuum behavior of water and hexadecane
under nano-confinement between two hydrophilic
surfaces (mica) as shown in Figure 2. With this important foundation, future
studies will seek to quantitatively investigate the properties of fluids under nano-confinement and vigorously test current theories of the
origin of the hydrophobic force which will impact our fundamental understanding
of hydrophobic interactions at the nano to
Figure 1. (A) Schematic of the optical layers
of an adsorbed polymer layer in a fluid and the refractive index profile of the
system (heavy black line). (B) Refractive index or mass fraction of the polymer
(here cationic poly ethyleneimine, PEI) in water as a
function of distance from the surfaces.
Figure 2. Preliminary data of the (A) refractive
index of water confined between two hydrophilic surfaces (mica) as a function of
surface separation or confinement. (B) Relative density of water based on
refractive index measurements in (A). (C) Relative density of hexadecane
confined between two hydrophilic surfaces (mica) as a function of surface separation
or confinement. We are in the process of
repeating these measurements with our new, more accurate data analysis algorithm
detailed in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Schematic of analysis algorithm
routine used to enable simultaneous measurement of the surface separation (<0.1nm)
and intervening refractive index (≤ 0.001) as a function of confinement.