Reports: ND552388-ND5: Nanoscale Tribocharging Mechanism and Mechanical Properties Investigation of Novel Organic and Inorganic Nano-Object-Petroleum Hybrid Lubricants
Bharat Bhushan, Ohio State University
1) Study of dry nano-objects
Deposit dry Au nanoparticles and nanorods, MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes and carbon nanohorns on silicon substrates.
Perform single nano-object contact studies on Au nanoparticles and nanorods to compare the effect of shape on the friction mechanism.
Perform multiple nano-object contact studies on Au nanoparticles and nanorods to simulate contacts nano-objects experience when introduced for the purpose of friction and wear reduction. Determine the role of nano-object size, and shape on friction and wear reduction.
Perform friction and wear studies on the macroscale using a ball-on-flat tribometer to compare to the nanoscale.
Perform indentation and compression on Au nanoparticles and nanorods, MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes and carbon nanohorns.
Indent Au nanoparticles and thin film to compare scale effects.
Determine the role of nano-object size, shape and material on mechanical properties.
Perform tribocharging by sliding a glass sphere over nano-objects and measure adhesive force on the nanoscale.
Use EFM to measure the charge density and correlate to change in adhesive force on the nanoscale.
2) Study of nano-object and water hybrid lubricants
Produce stable dispersions of Au nano-objects in water using sonication
Perform single nano-object contact studies on Au nanoparticles and nanorods to determine the effect of shape on the friction mechanism and to compare to dry conditions
Perform multiple-nano-object contact studies on Au nanoparticles and nanorods to simulate contacts nano-objects experience when introduced for the purpose of friction and wear reduction and compare to dry conditions.
Determine the role of nano-object size and shape on friction and wear reduction.
Perform friction and wear studies on the macroscale using a ball-on-flat tribometer to compare to the nanoscale.
Use EFM to measure the charge density and correlate to the change in adhesive force on silicon coated with hybrid nano-object-water lubricants.
Progress to date
The knowledge gained from these studies will have far reaching effects when designing macro-to nanoscale systems that incorporate materials with nano-dimensions for reducing friction and wear.
Journal Publications