Reports: ND1052588-ND10: Elucidating Competing Transport and Kinetic Mechanisms for Understanding Material Durability of Carbon Felt Electrodes
Venkat R. Subramanian, Washington University in St. Louis
Recent years has seen a significant impetus to address global environmental and energy challenges. Essential technological innovations include incorporating renewable energy sources and energy storage into the complex system of producing and distributing electricity through a smart grid.1 Redox flow batteries promise to be a cheap and sustainable alternative for large scale energy storage.2 Because of the intermittent nature of many renewable energy sources (e.g. wind and solar), developing a storage system to provide a reliable and stable source of power is essential and remains a significant challenge. Graphite felt (GF) electrodes are primarily used in redox flow batteries to provide high surface area for reaction, high conductivity, and high energy at a reasonably low cost. However, as of today, performance and durability of these electrodes are a significant concern. Additionally, the kinetics of the redox reactions which occur on the surface of these electrodes is poorly understood, and is inseparable from competing transport limitations. The primary objective of the project is to develop a detailed transport model to understand the kinetics of felt electrodes in a Thin Film Rotating Disk Electrode (TFRDE) set-up. The project also aims to develop a model to examine the surface heterogeneity and carbon corrosion that can lead to electrode damage and battery failure under high operating voltages. The insight gained from detailed interfacial studies of the GF electrode will provide insight on the effects of various surface modification protocols reported in the literature and suggest new pathways for electrode performance and durability improvement.
Fig. 1. (a) Arrow plot for
the velocity field in the 2D Porous RDE in both porous electrode and bulk
electrolyte domain at 12,000 rpm (b) Inset of velocity field in the porous felt
region and its vicinity.
Fig. 2. Spatial variation
of V 3+ species concentration (mol/m3) for low and high rotation
rates with 0.75 mm thick porous felt (A. 634 rpm & B. 3791 rpm)
Fig. 3.Variation of total current in the disk with rotation speed (rpm) as a function of film thickness.
This research project has yielded interesting results but further studies are required till our results are publishable. The PI just moved from WUStL to UW and has requested that the grant stays at WUStL (a no-cost extension will be requested) to make progress in the project and to fund the graduate student at WUStL. In addition, we plan to additional experiments to get relevant data for validation.
T. Nguyen, R.
Savinell, Flow Batteries, in: The Electrochemical Society Interface, vol. 19,
The Electrochemical Society, New Jersey, USA, Fall 2010, pp. 54-56.