Reports: ND751995-ND7: Theoretically Guided Design of Efficient Polymer Dielectrics
Philip L. Taylor, Case Western Reserve University
principal goal of our research has been the development of a better theoretical
understanding of the ways in which electrical energy can be stored in a polymer
dielectric within a capacitor.
The driving force for the work reported here is that it should be
possible to optimize the stored
energy by designing the most efficient polymer structure. To achieve this end requires a
compromise between two conflicting criteria. In some materials, the molecules carry
large permanent dipole moments, and thus interact strongly with applied fields,
but polarize too easily to be able to store significant elastic energy in the
distorted bonds of the molecular chain.
They also suffer from having a large internal friction that leads to
heat-generating losses on charging and discharging. On the other hand, some different
materials are stiff enough to resist any large distortion of molecular bonds,
and thus have very low dielectric losses, but show too weak a polarization to
be able to store significant energy.
Somewhere between these two extremes lies the optimum material that we
seek to identify.
our work we have introduced a simple model, and have examined how the various
parameters of the model influence the amount of energy that can be stored. It was possible to clarify an important
fact about how energy is stored in a polymer chain exposed to an electric
field, namely that it resides in the potential energy due to the distortion of
the molecular conformation.
We have explored a detailed model in which a crystalline polymer
consists of an array of parallel chains held perpendicular to an applied
electric field. Permanent electric
dipoles of fixed magnitude are associated with some of the individual
monomers. We then suppose that each
chain in this array is free to rotate about its axis without steric
hindrance. As one example, this
might be considered as an approximate representation of a copolymer of
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) with some larger monomers, such as those with a
chlorine substitution, that would keep the chains some distance form each other. We assumed the chains to be sparsely
cross-linked in a way that prevented rotation at the linking site. Our idealized model is then one in which
chain segments of N + 1 monomers,
each carrying a dipole moment, are pinned at their ends. The moments are initially parallel, and
at an angle to the direction along which the electric field is to be applied. The potential energy is due to the N elastic springs, each of spring
constant K, that act between adjacent
monomers in the system.
our calculation was undertaken for point dipoles, it was necessary to verify
that taking into consideration the actual finite size of the molecular dipoles did
not significantly alter the results.
A simulation was accordingly performed, the results of which showed that
the average electric field on a monomer was largely unaltered when each monomer
of the PVDF was treated as a point dipole instead of a realistically sized molecule. We also investigated the
instability that occurs whenever the molecular polarizability is sufficiently
large to cause spontaneous polarization in the absence of a field. In this situation, the polarization
changes discontinuously from positive to negative as the field is reduced from
positive values through zero to negative values. The stored energy is correspondingly
reduced. The final results of our
analysis showed that, for the particular numerical values chosen in our model,
chain segments for which N was equal
to or greater than eight exhibited a negative apparent susceptibility at low fields. This unphysical behavior cannot occur,
and so the polarization must change discontinuously, from the positive value
found as the applied field approaches zero from above, to the negative of this
quantity as the field is further lowered through zero.
property of most interest, namely the energy density, was evaluated for various
N as a function of the maximum field Eb that can be applied
without breakdown of the sample.
For N = 2, the energy increased
only slowly with Eb. As the number of monomers N per pinning site was increased, it was
observed that the curvature with which the energy grows also increased, but the
field at which the energy density started to saturate decreased. The optimum value of N thus decreases
with increasing breakdown field.
overall conclusion in this study of the nature of energy storage in polymer
dielectrics has been that the stored energy resides largely in the potential
energy of distortion of molecular bonds, and that for a model of a polymer
dielectric containing permanent electric dipoles, the energy stored in these
bond distortions becomes small if the length of segment of chain that is free
to rotate is either very large or very small. We have also identified the
strong influence of the Clausius-Mossotti instability, which can reduce the
stored energy by an order of magnitude, and which is strongly dependent on the
length of the unpinned chain segments. Our conclusion is that great attention
must be paid to the density of cross links in a polymer dielectric consisting
of polar monomers if the stored energy density is to be optimized.