Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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44103-G10: First Principles Study of Light Metal Complex Hydrides as Potential Hydrogen Storage Materials
Qingfeng Ge

45732-G10: One-Dimensional Exciton Diffusion in Perylene Based Solar Cell Materials
Ling Zang

45844-G10: The Role of Catalysis in Next Generation Direct Hydrocarbon Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes
Steven McIntosh

45982-G10: Ultrafast Probing of Structures, Functions, and Pathways for Light-Excited Amorphous Silicon in Potential Energy Landscape
Chong-Yu Ruan

46079-G10: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Time-Dependent and Transport Processes
Traian Dumitrica

46160-G10: Magnetodielectric Coupling in Oxide Nanocomposites
Gavin Lawes

46374-G10: Porous Nanocomposites for Solar Thermoelectric Energy Conversion
Tao Xu

46436-G10: The Oxidation of Ethanol and Dimethyl Ether by Binary and Ternary Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cell Applications
Michael S. Moats

46482-G10: Utilizing Photonic Band Structure Engineering for Advanced Photon Management in Solar Energy Conversion
Michael H. Bartl

46498-G10: Exploring Improved Petroleum Utilization Via Nanoscale Thermal Engineering of Thermoelectric Materials
Barry L. Zink

46499-G10: Spark Plasma Sintering of Ceria Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Applications
Lia A. Stanciu

46584-G10: Inorganic Guest Species in Organic Crystals: A First-Principles Investigation
Anton Van der Ven

46639-G10: Structure-Performance Correlations in Nanocolumn-Array Supported Nanoparticle Films for Solar Energy Conversions
Ming Su

46727-G10: Solute Morphology And Transport In Polymeric Fuel Cell Materials
Louis A. Madsen

46777-G10: Fundamental Investigations of the Microstructure of Semicrystalline Polymers for Alternative Energy Generation
Alberto Salleo

46793-G10: Surface-Initiated n-Type Semiconducting Polymer Synthesis
Christine Keiko Luscombe

46870-G10: Theoretical Investigation of Ionomeric Polymer-Nanotube Composites as Novel Materials for Solar Engergy Applications
Slava V. Rotkin

47107-G10: Nanocomposite of Infrared Quantum Dots and Conducting Polymers: Possible Multiple Exciton Dissociation
Xiaomei Jiang

47110-G10: Control of Methane Hydrate Formation at the Molecular Level
Tadanori Koga

47121-G10: Active Orientation and Encapsulation of Bacteriorhodopsin-Driven Photo-Energy Transduction in Copolymer Shells
Dean Ho

47307-G10: Using Atomic-Resolution Z-Contrast Imaging and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy to Study the Role of Transition-Metal Promoters in Co-Based Fischer- Tropsch Heterogeneous Catalysts
Robert F. Klie

47332-G10: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Property Optimization of Novel Antimonides and Bismuthides � Promising Materials for Thermal-to-Electric Energy Conversion
Svilen Bobev

47491-G10: Earth-Friendly Transparent Conducting Oxides From First-Principles Investigations: Calcium Aluminates
Julia E. Medvedeva

47601-G10: DNA-Derived Building Blocks for the Construction of Porous Metal-Organic Framework Materials
Nathaniel L. Rosi

47677-G10: A New Type of Discotic Liquid Crystals for Organic Solar Cells
Liang-shi Li

47687-G10: Mechanism of Dielectric Property-Based Separation of Carbon Nanotubes
Liwei Chen

47721-G10: Advanced Transparent Conducting Materials for Thin Film Solar Cells
Brady Gibbons

47863-G10: Protonic-Electronic Mixed-Conducting Nanofibers for Energy Conversion
Xiangwu Zhang

47898-G10: Nanoporous Poly(aniline) Membranes for Size-Selective Separations
Michael A. Hickner

47905-G10: Biomimetic Synthesis of Heterogeneous Catalysts
Marc R. Knecht

48025-G10: Templated Subwavelength-Structured Antireflection Coatings for High-Efficiency Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
Peng Jiang

48056-G10: Ab Initio Modeling of Fast Oxygen Conductors for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Dane Morgan

48080-G10: Experimental Studies of Graphene: Material Properties and Hydrogen Adsorption
Yong P. Chen

48086-G10: Improving Photoactive Surface Area of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Through Supercritical Fluid Dye Penetration
Kirk J. Ziegler

48108-G10: In Situ Electron Microscopy Studies of the Kirkendall Effect in Small Clusters
Suneel Kodambaka

48158-G10: Catalyst Engineering Using Suport-Dopant Modification: Towards Intelligent Design of Catalyst Systems
Ryan O'Hayre

48182-G10: Effects of Hydrogen-Surface Interactions on Photogenerated Electron Diffusion in Zinc Oxide Nanowires
Yi Gu

48227-G10: A Systematic Study on Vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) Growth Process of Metal Oxide Nanodendrites
Pu-Xian Gao

48520-G10: Synthesis of Novel Oxynitride Structures by Soft Chemical Routes
Neal M. Abrams

48577-G10: Spectroscopic Studies of Thermoelectric Transition Metal Oxides
Norman Mannella

48636-G10: Solution-Processed Inorganic Semiconductors for Thin-Film Photovoltaics
Dmitri V. Talapin

48678-G10: Organic Nanowires: Morphological Engineering for Controlled Solid State Polymerization
Jiaxing Huang

48733-G10: Demonstrate the Feasibility of Using Triplet Polymers with Variable Bandgaps for Efficient Photovoltaics
Qiquan Qiao