Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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44225-G5: Fundamentals of Laser Direct Write Deposition for Electrochemically-Active Materials
Craig B. Arnold

44953-G5: Direct Measurement of Casimir Force in Critical Films of Binary Liquid Mixtures
Ashis Mukhopadhyay

44979-G5: Studying Monolayer Formation on Alloys
Ellen Gawalt

45814-G5: Is Superlubrication Possible in Engines? Characterization of the Adsorption of Hydrocarbons on Quasicrystal Surfaces
Stefano Curtarolo

45840-G5: Experiments for Improved Understanding of the Wetting of Polar Liquids
Rafael Garcia

45842-G5: Visualizing the Interplay Between Electronic Excitations and Surface Chemistry of the Functioning 1-D Metal-Oxide Nanostructures
Andrei Kolmakov

46047-G5: Surfactant adsorption and self-assembly at solid/liquid interfaces
Steven O. Nielsen

46131-G5: Ab Initio Study of Support Effects in the Direct Oxidation of Propylene to Propylene Oxide
Randall Meyer

46192-G5: Surface Chemistry of Diblock-Copolymer-Based Nanoporous Materials
Takashi Ito

46444-G5: High Density, Monodisperse Core-Shell Nanoparticle Arrays: A Study of Nanoscale Catalytic Properties
Regina Ragan

46510-G5: Application of an Electric Field to Control Wetting of Thin Fluid Films
Joelle Frechette

46656-G5: Catalytically Active Low Density Porous Copper (II) Monoliths
Louisa J. Hope-Weeks

46660-G5: Surface Science Investigation of MoS2 Nanoclusters Supported on TiO2 for a Fundamental Understanding of Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts
Matthias Batzill

46724-G5: Ab Initio Study of the Potential Dependence of the Surface Structure and Reactivity of Doped Ceria Anodes for Use in Direct Hydrocarbon Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Michael J. Janik

46915-G5: In Situ Chemical Diagnostic Tribology of Dry and Lubricated Thin Film-Based Technologies
Thomas W. Scharf

47187-G5: Solvent Effects on Water Restructuring and Electrokinetics at Water-Hydrocarbon Interfaces
Brian J. Kirby

47503-G5: Biofuel Production by Aqueous-Phase Hydrogenation: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Developing Improved Catalysts
George Huber

47596-G5: Multi-Scale Modeling of the Evolution of Oxygen Phases on Pt Surfaces Under Realistic Reactive Conditions
Aravind R. Asthagiri

47747-G5: Immobilization of Enzymes on Nanoparticles for Catalysis in Non-aqueous Media
Alexey Vertegel

47849-G5: Structure - Property Relation of Monolayer Catalysts Obtained by Galvanic Displacement of Underpotentially Deposited Monolayers
Stanko Brankovic

47918-G5: Single Au-Nanoparticle Catalysis at Single-Turnover Resolution
Peng Chen

47978-G5: Atomistic Simulations of Tribological Properties of Ultra-Nanocrystalline Diamond
Izabela Szlufarska

48160-G5: Chemical Vapor Deposition Design and Synthesis of Polymers for Alternative Energies
Kenneth K. S. Lau

48188-G5: Molecular Simulation Study of Transport and Adsorption of Liquids through Nanoporous Block Copolymers
Jie Zheng

48229-G5: Understanding Electronic and Thermal Transport at the Single Molecule Scale
Latha Venkataraman

48273-G5: Interfacial Structure and Stability of 'Pickering Emulsions' Subjected to Freeze-Thaw Cycling
Danilo C. Pozzo

48308-G5: Superlattices of Perovskite Structured Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Yayoi Takamura

48335-G5: Dynamic Surfaces and Directional Nanoscale Motion
Tao Ye

48420-G5: Measuring Ion Currents Carried by Ionic Liquids in Nanopores of Well-defined Geometry and Surface Chemistry
Zuzanna S. Siwy

48672-G5: Synthetic Routes to Porous Polymers Containing Borazine and Diazaborole Building Blocks
Hani El-Kaderi

48702-G5: Magnetically Recoverable Catalysts Using Hierarchical Magnetite/Silica Nanoassemblies as Supports
Yadong Yin