Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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45879-G2: Stabilization of Metal-Sulfide Nanoparticles by Natural Organic Matter
Heileen Hsu-Kim

46099-G2: Are Natural Chars Important for the Sorption of PAHs? A Field Study With Lake Sediments and Soils in Oriole Lake
Rainer Lohmann

46262-G2: Rare Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes of Volcanogenic Sulfate Aerosols in Sedimentary Rocks as a Robust Correlation Tool
Ilya Bindeman

46345-G2: The Storegga Submarine Landslide: Investigating the Relationship Between Slope Instability, Climate Change, and Gas Hydrates
Tessa M. Hill

46373-G2: New Insights into Molecular Structural Changes of Kerogen During Thermal Evolution Investigated by Advanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Jingdong Mao

46664-G2: Stable Isotopic Constraints on Carbon Exchange During Heterotrophic Decomposition of Soil Organic Matter
Jonathan G. Wynn

46695-G2: Examining the Biogeochemistry Behind the Organic-rich Sediments in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
Rebecca S. Robinson

46903-G2: Quantification of Cenozoic Marine Primary Productivity through Geochemical Analysis of Marine Mammal Bioapatite
Mark T. Clementz

47811-G2: Element Mobility During Zeolitic Alteration of Volcanic Ash: Implications for Tephra Correlation in Sedimentary Basins
Lindsay J. McHenry

48111-G2: Molecule-Specific Investigation of Lake-Level and Ecosystem Control of Organic Matter Sources in Oil Shale of the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah
Jessica Whiteside

48302-G2: Iron Oxide Morphology and Composition as Possible Indicators of Sedimentary Redox Cycling
Jeffrey G. Catalano