Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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44177-AC6: Structure and Dynamics of Highly Excited Vibrational States of Complexes of Water and Hydrogen Fluoride
William Klemperer
44262-AC6: Theoretical Investigations of the Nature of Pi-Pi Interactions
C. David Sherrill

45420-AC6: Combined Coherent-States/Density-Functional-Theory Dynamics
Jorge A. Morales

45719-AC6: Spectroscopy of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Cations and Complexes
Martin Vala

45789-AC6: Infrared Spectroscopy of Cluster Anions Containing Aromatic Molecules
J. Mathias Weber

45824-AC6: Theoretical Study of the Electro-Optic Properties of Branched Polymers
Arun Yethiraj

45884-AC6: Interactions and Structure in Nematic Colloids
Grenfell N. Patey

45987-AC6: Non-Perturbative Effects of Dynamical Inhomogeneities in Viscous Fluid Mixtures
Jeremy Schofield

45988-AC6: Understanding Chemical Bond Dynamics in Solution using Femtosecond Spectroscopy and Nonadiabatic Mixed Quantum/Classical Simulations
Benjamin J. Schwartz

46098-AC6: Femtosecond Infrared Spectroscopy of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Dynamics
Andrei Tokmakoff

46108-AC6: Ion Evaporation from Taylor Cones of High-Conductivity Electrolytes Immersed in Hydrocarbons
Juan F. de la Mora

46140-AC6: Modeling Spectroscopic Measurements of Solvation and Solvent Friction
Mark Maroncelli

46275-AC6: Characterization of Stannaspherene and Endohedral Stannaspherenes
Lai-Sheng Wang

46303-AC6: Product Imaging of the Dissociation of Combustion Radicals
Paul L. Houston

46311-AC6: Kinetics, Reaction Mechanisms, and Relative Stabilities of Heterocyclic Ring Molecules in Ionized Environments
Nigel G. Adams

46451-AC6: Calculations of Interfacial Free Energies Between Water and Ice from Molecular Simulations
Xueyu Song

46569-AC6: Developing Inverse Density Functional Theory as an Analytical Tool for Diffusing Colloidal Probe Microscopy
David M. Ford

46633-AC6: The Vibrational Spectrum, Structure, and Bonding of Liquid Carbon
Richard James Saykally

46671-AC6: Interactions Between Small Hydrocarbons and Water: Clathrate Formation and Inhibition
Mary Jane Shultz

46748-AC6: Statistical Thermodynamics of Solutions Enclosed in Fluctuating Semipermeable Capsules
Haim Diamant

46772-AC6: Time-domain Ab Initio Studies of Relaxation Dynamics of Photogenerated Carriers in Quantum Dot Solar Cells
Oleg Prezhdo

46892-AC6: Direct Measurement of Casimir Forces in Near-critical Binary Fluids
Simon G. J. Mochrie

46906-AC6: Exciton Fission in Solid Tetracene and Related Materials: A Possible Strategy for High Efficiency Organic Solar Cells
Christopher J. Bardeen

46998-AC6: A New Picture of Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Superheated Liquids
David S. Corti

46999-AC6: Induction in Chemistry: Introducing Electrostatic Bonds
Thomas F. Keyes

47001-AC6: Molecular Dynamics Study of Stability and Meta-Stability of Methane Hydrates
Feng Wang

47059-AC6: Probing the Metal Activation of C-H Bonds Using High-resolution Mid-infrared Laser Spectroscopy
Timothy C. Steimle

47202-AC6: Quantum Dynamics of Hydrogen Molecules Confined Inside Cages of Clathrate Hydrates
Zlatko Bacic

47236-AC6: Development of a Density Functional Theory for Copolymer and Surfactant Interfacial Properties and Microstructure
Walter G. Chapman

47444-AC6: Semiclassical Correlation Energies of Atoms and Molecules
Eric J. Heller

47460-AC6: Energy Propagation in Dense Granular Media
Katja Lindenberg

47480-AC6: Unimolecular Dissociation Dynamics of the Methylsulfonyl Radical and its CH3OSO Isomer
Laurie J. Butler

47615-AC6: Understanding the Role of Nanostructural Organization in the Intermolecular Dynamics of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids
Edward L. Quitevis

47617-AC6: Examination of the Role of Entropy and Defects on the Relative Stability of Molecular Crystals
David A. Kofke

47852-AC6: Solvated Electrons in Liquid Jets of Water and Ionic Liquids
Daniel Neumark

47916-AC6: Gaseous Nanodrop Calorimetry: Hydrogen Atom Generation and an Absolute Potential for the Standard Hydrogen Electrode
Evan Rowland Williams

48149-AC6: Mass Spectrometric Studies of Hydrophobic Interactions in Binary Clusters
Paul G. Wenthold

48440-AC6: Predictive Property Simulations for Plastic Photovoltaics
So Hirata

48459-AC6: Novel Aspects in Thermodynamics of Curved Fluid Interfaces
Mikhail A. Anisimov

48623-AC6: Multi-Scale Modeling of Reaction with Diffusion
Keith E. Gubbins

48697-AC6: Ultra-Broad Bandwidth Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy with Application to Study of Combustion
Kevin K. Lehmann