Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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42688-AC9: The Role of Capillarity in Mobilization of Disaggregated Materials from Collapsed Perforations
Ning Lu

43706-AC9: Connecting Catalytic Chemistry to External Particle Conditions via Computational Fluid Dynamics
Anthony G. Dixon

43901-AC9: Effect of Particle Size Distribution on Drag Force in Fluid-Particle Suspensions
Sankaran Sundaresan

44002-AC9: Flow and Strength of Cohesive Granular Materials
Arshad A. Kudrolli

44515-AC9: Evaporative Droplet-Particle Collision Dynamics
Liang-Shih Fan

45169-AC9: Physical Foundations of the Vibratory Recovery of Residual Oil
Igor Beresnev

45175-AC9: Unstable Miscible Displacements: Influence of Non-Vertical Wells, Reservoir Inclination, and Permeability Anisotropy and Stratification
Eckart H. Meiburg

45250-AC9: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Oil/Water Flow through Fractures
Matthew Becker

45471-AC9: Study of Hydrogen/Syngas Combustion and NO Emissions at High Pressures and Temperatures
Yiguang Ju

45683-AC9: Using Colloidal Suspensions to Model Atomic Scale Lubrication Phenomena
Itai Cohen

45918-AC9: Modeling the Influence of Flow and Mass Transport during in Situ AFM Measurements of Solution Crystal Growth
Jeffrey J. Derby

45927-AC9: Measurement of Molecular and Thermal Diffusion Coeffcients in Model Petroleum Fluids
Abbas Firoozabadi

45967-AC9: Modeling the Phase Behavior of Gas Hydrate Forming Systems
Peter A. Monson

45968-AC9: Effect of Elevated Pressure on the Rheology, Vitrification, and Aging of Suspensions of Model Colloidal Spheres
Jules J. Magda

46058-AC9: Non-Equilibrium Nanoblends for Petrochemical Separations
John Robert Dorgan

46168-AC9: Steady and Transient Tip Streaming from Pendant Drops
Osman A. Basaran

46341-AC9: Direct Numerical Simulation of Microscale Rheology and Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Jonathan J. L. Higdon

46393-AC9: Harmonic Moments of Viscous Fingering Structures in Thin Oil Layers
Harry L. Swinney

46419-AC9: Mechanistic Understanding of Wettability Alteration in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs
Kishore K. Mohanty

46500-AC9: Oxygenated Fuels in Flames
Lisa Pfefferle

46737-AC9: Multicomponent Droplet Growth in Supersonic Natural Gas Separators
Barbara E. Wyslouzil

46751-AC9: Biodiesel Ignition Experiments and Chemical-Kinetic Modeling
Jeffrey M. Bergthorson

46874-AC9: Adsorption-Induced Changes in Zeolite Membrane Structures
John Falconer

46928-AC9: Atomic Scale Simulation of Many Body Forces in Colloidal Nanoparticle Suspensions
Kristen A. Fichthorn

46991-AC9: Experiments on Strained Premixed Flames in the Distributed Reaction Regime
Alessandro Gomez

47147-AC9: Modeling and Optimization of Diesel Particulate Trap Ignition Phenomena
Jason M. Keith

47261-AC9: Improved Refining Operation Using Parallel MINLP Methods for Dynamic Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Hybrid Dynamic Systems
Edward P. Gatzke

47331-AC9: The Bulk Viscosity of Suspensions
John F. Brady

47421-AC9: Stability Behavior of Clay/Nanoparticle Suspensions
John Y. Walz

47540-AC9: Next Generation Regulatory Controller for Chemical Processes
Babatunde A. Ogunnaike

47610-AC9: Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Droplets Sliding on Solid Substrates
Panagiotis Dimitrakopoulos

47612-AC9: Effect of Surfactant Solubility on Drop Dynamics in Oil-Water Two-Phase Systems
Nivedita R. Gupta

47892-AC9: Flow Dynamics Around Oil-Coated Particles: Defining Strategies for Oil-Water-Particle Separation
Edgar J. Acosta

47970-AC9: Using Emulsions to Study the Physics of Two-Dimensional Frictionless Granular Materials
Eric R. Weeks

47976-AC9: Liquid Crystalline Membranes for Olefin/Paraffin Separations
Stephen M. Martin

48144-AC9: Determining Sets of Parameters to Be Estimated for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Juergen Hahn

48276-AC9: Yield Stress of Complex Fluids: A Numerical Study for a Concentric Cylinder Geometry with Slotted Rotor
Daniel De Kee

48386-AC9: Encapsulation in Bicomponent Transport and Extrusion
James J. Feng

48424-AC9: Enhanced CO2 Sequestration Taking Account of Aqueous Solubility
Roland N. Horne

48505-AC9: Biosurfactant Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Pore-Scale Investigation of Interfacial and Microbial Interactions
Dorthe Wildenschild

48596-AC9: Dynamics and Control of Integrated Processes for Hydrogen and Power Generation
Prodromos Daoutidis