Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
Browse Reports by Title, by Institution, or by Principal Investigator
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45727-G9: Liquid Transport Mechanisms and Surface Interactions in Nanoporous Materials
Geoffrey D. Bothun

45799-G9: Estimation of Macroscopic Fracture Transport Properties from Micro-Scale Flow Structures and Fracture Geometry
Zuleima Karpyn

45861-G9: Studying Flow Dispersion through Porous Media by Novel Molecular Contrast NMR Imaging
Songi Han

46375-G9: Productivity Loss in Unconventional Natural Gas Wells Due to Salt Crystallization
Jagannathan Mahadevan

46514-G9: Transport of Colloids in Micromodels: Average Motion and Dispersion Effects
German Drazer

46927-G9: Characterizing Multiphase Transport and Flow Dynamics in Complex Natural Gas Network Topologies
Luis F. Ayala

47067-G9: Turbulent Mixing in the Presence of Liquid Droplets with Application to Spray Combustion
Venkatramanan Raman

47072-G9: Diagnosis and Manaement of Faults in Distributed Chemical Processes
Nael H. El-Farra

47228-G9: Simulating the Spontaneous Emulsification of Oil/Water/Surfactant Mixtures
Thomas Ihle

47731-G9: Effect of External Flow Fields on Self-Assembly of Colloidal Suspensions: Modeling and Experiments
Ying Sun

47738-G9: Investigation of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer to Binary Mixtures in Micro-Channels
Weilin Qu

47752-G9: Effect of Naphthenic Acids on the Dielectric Response, Particle Aggregation, and Sedimentation Behavior of Asphaltene Suspensions
J. Paige Phillips

47939-G9: Nanoscale Characterization for Improving Turbulent Drag Reduction with Polymers
Matthew W. Liberatore

47954-G9: Latex Composite Ultrafiltration Membranes
Subramanian Ramakrishnan

48082-G9: Demulsification of Water-Oil Emulsion by Nano-Structured Surfaces
Desheng Meng

48415-G9: Effect of Surfactant on Drop Electrohydrodynamics
Petia Vlahovska

48631-G9: Numerical Modeling of Fluid Droplet Spreading and Contact Angle Hysteresis
Nikolai V. Priezjev

48674-G9: Effects of Air Pressure and Wettability on Drop Impact on Dry Surfaces
Taehun Lee