Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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43751-B6: Spectroscopy of Gas Phase Palladium- and Platinum-Containing Radicals
Leah C. O'Brien

43798-B6: Role of Heteroatoms in Stabilizing High-Energy Nitrogen Molecules
Douglas Strout

43862-B6: Synthesis, Photoluminescence, and Laser Characteristics of Rare Earth Ions Embedded in HEMA, a Polymeric Plastic Host
Dhiraj K. Sardar

44025-B6: Atom-Molecule Inelastic Collision Dynamics in Open Shell Systems: O + NO and Cl + NO
Thomas A. Stephenson

44760-B6: Thermodynamics and Kinetic Studies of Hydrogen Isotope Binding on Selective Materials
Maria Alexandra Gomez

44764-B6: Computational Studies of the Atmospheric Chemistry of Alkene Ozonolysis Intermediates
Keith T. Kuwata

45446-B6: Computer Simulation of Photochemical Reactions
Yusheng Dou

45728-B6: Structure of Molecular Rydberg States in Supercritical Alkanes
Gary L. Findley

45966-B6: Dependence of Rates of Interfacial Electron Transfer on Anchoring Group Structure and Dye MLCT State Energy
Debra L. Mohler

46291-B6: Condensed Phase Effects on the Structural Properties of Friedel-Crafts Intermediates: RF-BF3
James A. Phillips

46344-B6: Carbanion Intermediates in Proton-Transfer Reactions Between Carbon Acids and Alkoxides
Vincent DeTuri

46731-B6: Investigations of Intermolecular Interactions in Liquid Hydrocarbons
C. Dale Keefe

46865-B6: Dissecting the Dynamics of Surfactant Assemblies with Numerical Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Daniel L. Burden

47262-B6: Examining Hydrodynamic and Solubilization Properties of Micelles Formed by Chiral Amphiphiles with NMR
David S. Rovnyak

47338-B6: A Novel Theoretically-Based Approach for Developing Equation of State Models
Ilya Polishuk

47408-B6: Fundamental Studies of the Solvatochromism of Hemicyanine Dyes and Their Application to Characterize Micelles Used to Enhance Oil Recovery
Mark F. Vitha

47856-B6: The Development of Accelerated Molecular Dynamics for Complex Gas-Phase Reactive Systems
Michael R. Salazar

48146-B6: Can Nitrogen Offer a Different Perspective on the Hydrogen Storage Problem? (NH3)n-(H2)m Clusters from Cryogenic Storage as Novel Fuels
Emanuele Curotto