Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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43539-AC8: Establishing Chronostratigraphic Frameworks in Carbonate Rocks Using Dispersed Siliciclastic Sediment Pulses and K-Bentonites
James R. Wood

43979-AC8: Depositional Remanent Magnetization: Toward a Theoretical and Experimental Foundation
Lisa Tauxe

43994-AC8: Morphological Modeling of Continental Slopes
Neil C. Mitchell

44334-AC8: Modeling Natural Fracture Networks in the Context of Flow Simulations: Teapot Dome, Wyoming
Thomas H. Wilson

45015-AC8: Multi-Channel Seismic Analysis of Gas Hydrate and Related Geological Structure in Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
William W. Sager

45382-AC8: A Field and Numerical Study of the Morphology, Flow, Sedimentary Processes, and Stability of River-Channel Bifurcations
Rudy L. Slingerland

45408-AC8: Reflectivity from Noise
Gerard Schuster

45825-AC8: Quantifying Paleo-Water Depth Estimates from Lacustrine Sedimentary Features
Kenneth D. Adams

45893-AC8: Curvature of Orogenic Fronts: A Study of the US Appalachians
Ben van der Pluijm

45910-AC8: Modern Andean Foreland Basin Lakes: Keys to Deciphering Ancient Foreland Basin Lacustrine Stratigraphy
Andrew Scott Cohen

45939-AC8: The Nature of the Crust Beneath the Deep Gulf of Mexico and Development of the Syn-Rift and Early Post-Rift Gulf Basin
Dennis L. Harry

46029-AC8: Fault Zones in Mudstones as Petroleum Seals and Fluid Conduits: A Laboratory Study
Demian M. Saffer

46126-AC8: New Analytical Advancements In K-Ca Geochronology and Applications to Sedimentary Dating
Mihai Ducea

46170-AC8: Absheron Allochthon: Evidence for South Caspian Seafloor Deformation in Response to Climatically Driven Hydrate Dissociation
Camelia C. Knapp

46266-AC8: The Paleomagnetism of Mesozoic Dike of Mauritania: Implications for Motion and Stability of Africa
John Tarduno

46350-AC8: Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Pressure and Fluid Saturation on Carbonate Rocks
Gary Mavko

46696-AC8: Strand Plain Geometry, Stratigraphy, and Evolution: Tijucas, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Duncan M. FitzGerald

46858-AC8: Biotic Change in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Before, During, and After the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM): Consistent with Orbital Forcing?
Philip D. Gingerich

46983-AC8: Mechanisms of Crustal Extension: A Structural and Geochronological Study in the Death Valley Region of Eastern California
Nicholas Christie-Blick

47191-AC8: Annealing of Fission Tracks in Wide-range, Radiation-damaged Detrital Zircon
John I. Garver

47221-AC8: Petrophysical Controls on Fault Damage Zone Width and Character: As Important as Displacement?
Laurel B. Goodwin

47231-AC8: Shapes, Scales and Spacing of Channel-belt Sand Bodies in Ancient and Experimental Avulsion-dominated Alluvial Basins
Paul L. Heller

47263-AC8: Evaporite Deformation in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Northeastern Mexico: Decollement Kinematics in an Evaporite-Detached Thin-Skinned Fold Belt
Randall Marrett

47277-AC8: Vitrinite Reflectance, Basin Thermal History, and a Link to Seafloor Methane Seeps, Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, United States
Timothy S. White

47341-AC8: Controls on Marginal Marine and Nonmarine Stratigraphic Architecture: New Constraints from the Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Utah
Cari L. Johnson

47347-AC8: Estimation of True (Angle-dependent) Reflection Coefficients in 3-D Prestack Depth Migration of Seismic Data
George A. McMechan

47377-AC8: Exhumation and Deformation due to Shallow Subduction above the Yakutat Microplate in Southern Alaska
Phillip A. Armstrong

47463-AC8: Primary Migration of Oil Through Self-Propagating Fractures
Scott E. Johnson

47560-AC8: Glauconite Character and Ichnofabric Signature of Parasequences within Condensed Sections in Passive Margin Settings
Allan A. Ekdale

47713-AC8: Effect of Pore-size Controlled Solubility on Mineralization, Porosity, and Permeability in Porous Media: a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study
Jay J. Ague

47782-AC8: The Role of Erosion at the Head of Turbidity Currents - Experiments and Theory
M. Y. Louge

47935-AC8: The Role of Sediment Supply in Morphodynamics: Bars, Bends, and Planform
William E. Dietrich

48115-AC8: Quantifying the Links between Geophysical and Geochemical Properties of Organic-Rich Shales
Amos Nur

48166-AC8: Ocean Circulation, Nutrient Cycling, and the S-Isotope Composition of Early Paleozoic Marine Systems
Linda C. Kah

48312-AC8: Constraints on the Structure of the Border Ranges Fault System, South-Central Alaska from Integrated 3-D Inversion of Gravity/Magnetic Data
Diane I. Doser

48349-AC8: Investigating the Mechanics of V-shaped Conjugate Strike-slip Systems and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration
An Yin

48385-AC8: New Approaches to 3D Structural Restorations Using Mechanical Constraints for Improved Petroleum Trap and Reservoir Characterizations
John H. Shaw

48462-AC8: Oligocene-Miocene Eustatic Record of the Northeastern Margin: Linking the Timing and Magnitude of Sea-Level Changes with the Stratigraphic Response and Paleoceanography of the Subtropical Pacific
R. Mark Leckie

48467-AC8: Seismic Reflection Characterization of a Core-Complex and Low-angle Normal Fault, and Associated Basin Development, Ruby Mountains, Nevada
Simon Klemperer