Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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43809-AC10: Nucleation of One Polymorph by Another
Lian Yu

43993-AC10: Multiscale Modeling of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Metals
Gang Lu

44036-AC10: Intrinsic Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Nanostructured Semiconductor Systems
David A. Broido

44674-AC10: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Mesoporous Materials from Gas Adsorption and Structure Factor Data
Lev D. Gelb

45023-AC10: Laser- and Electric-Field-Induced Nucleation in Supersaturated Solutions and Supercooled Melts
Bruce A. Garetz

45215-AC10: Synthesis and Polymorphic Control for Visible Light Active TiO2 Nanoparticles
Kathleen Richardson

45283-AC10: Porous and Biphasic Materials through Solid State Reactions
Ram Seshadri

45359-AC10: Sonoelectrochemical Approach Towards Novel Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials
Clemens Burda

45741-AC10: Photoexcitation and Free-Carrier Transport Phenomena for Organic Optoelectronics and Photovoltaics
Ivan Biaggio

45764-AC10: Modeling Random Heterogeneous Materials Via Lower-Order Statistics
Salvatore Torquato

45796-AC10: New Materials from High-Pressure, High-Temperature Synthesis
Ulrich Haussermann

46040-AC10: Spectroscopy of Photovoltaic and Photoconductive Doped-Oxide Electrodes Related to Photocatalysis and Solar Energy Conversion
Daniel R. Gamelin

46061-AC10: NMR and Structural Investigations of Novel Oxysulfide Intercalation Materials
Clare P. Grey

46138-AC10: Synthesis, Tuning, and Application of Fluorinated Mixed Cationic/Anionic Surfactant Vesicles
Barbara L. Knutson

46326-AC10: Surface Enhanced Fluorescence in Polymer Semiconductors
Sue Carter

46427-AC10: Carbon Nanotube Membranes by Templated Growth in Oriented Molecular Sieve Films
Michael Tsapatsis

46439-AC10: Probing the Mechanism of Sorptive Reconstruction Upon Ethylene and CO binding to CuAlCl4
James D. Martin

46443-AC10: Synthesis of Novel Heterostructured Catalyst Materials with Nanoscale Precision
Moonsub Shim

46663-AC10: Study of Aggregation of Organic Dyes on Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Surfaces
Elena Galoppini

46715-AC10: Search and Discovery of a New Crystalline Hydrocarbon: Graphane and Derived Compounds
Jorge O. Sofo

46755-AC10: Breaking the Glass Ceiling of Organic Photovoltaics by Controlling Temporal Fluctuations in Light-Harvesting in Single Macromolecular Complexes
John M. Lupton

46766-AC10: Unusual As�As and Sb�Sb Bonding in Thermoelectric Materials
Holger Kleinke

46779-AC10: Zeolite Structure Prediction and the Identification of Useful Synthetic Targets
Michael M. J. Treacy

46784-AC10: Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Proton Conducting Membranes
Ilya Zharov

46786-AC10: Investigation on Novel Photoactive Carbon Materials for Their Unique Properties Relevant to Energy Conversion
Ya-Ping Sun

46803-AC10: Heterometallic Oxides/Organics For Investigations Of Visible-Light Photocatalysis
Paul A. Maggard

46815-AC10: Fundamental Investigations of Thermal-to-Electrical Power Conversion in Lithographically Patterned Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3) Nanowire Arrays
Reginald M. Penner

47043-AC10: Side Chains with Incompatible Packing: A Strategy to Assemble Organic Semiconductors
Dhandapani Venkataraman

47077-AC10: Bioinspired Hybrid Systems for the Photoelectrocatalytic Generation of Solar Hydrogen and Fuels
Stefan H. Bossmann

47267-AC10: Fundamental Studies of Nano-Scale Catalysts In Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Scott A. Barnett

47302-AC10: Energy Storage in Nanoporous Metal-Organic Framework Materials
Cameron John Kepert

47345-AC10: Energy Conversion and Power Generation in New Non-Pb Based Piezoelectric Oxide Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Structure-Property Relationships
P. Shiv Halasyamani

47379-AC10: First-Principles Studies of Water Splitting at Semiconductor and Oxide Surfaces
Chris G. Van de Walle

47508-AC10: Strain Engineering of Organic Semiconducting Molecules: A First Principles Study
Feng Liu

47578-AC10: Organic Semiconductor Blends Designed for High Seebeck Coefficient through Fermi Level and Density of States Engineering
Howard E. Katz

47608-AC10: Methanol Oxidation by Copper Catalysts Investigated by In-Situ UHV-TEM
Judith C. Yang

47743-AC10: Chemical Imaging of the Catalytic Processes of CO2 Reforming of Methane using Laser Vaporization Generated Ni Nanoparticles and Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy
Ting Guo

47787-AC10: Zeolite Encapsulated Poly(phosphaalkynes): A New Approach to an Elusive Target
Cameron Jones

48085-AC10: Electrolysis of Carbon Dioxide in the Production of Sustainable Hydrocarbon Fuels
Klaus S. Lackner

48181-AC10: Atomic Bonding and Instabilities in Nuclear Materials
Tai C. Chiang

48556-AC10: Core-Shell Heterostructures for Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
Igor V. Vasiliev

48683-AC10: Materials and Architectures for Highly Efficient Photoelectrochemical Solar Cell Devices
Giovanni Zangari