Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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45787-G6: The Ignition and Oxidation of Potential Oxygenated Fuel Additives
Matthew A. Oehlschlaeger

45792-G6: Understanding Molecular Transport in Carbon Nanotubes
Pengyu Ren

45995-G6: Real-time investigation of the dynamic structural changes of metal oxide nanocrystals using time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy
Dong Hee Son

46067-G6: Single Molecule Vibrational Coherence on a Carbon Chain
Eric O. Potma

46487-G6: Theoretical Studies of Reaction Control with Optical Fields
Xiaosong Li

46516-G6: Interfacial Electron Transfer One Molecule at a Time
Oliver L.A. Monti

46628-G6: Structural Dynamics in Conducting Polymer Systems Probed with in Situ Electrochemical Two-dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy
Aaron M. Massari

46735-G6: Theoretical Investigation of the Two-state Model for the Excess Electron in Saturated Hydrocarbon Liquids Based on Path Integral Simulation
Seogjoo Jang

46762-G6: Hydrophobic Interaction in Surfactants and Hydrocarbons from the Pore Scale to the Reservoir Scale
Margaret Shun Cheung

46811-G6: Explicitly Correlated Electronic Structure Methods for Predictive Energetics and Kinetics of Radical Reactions
Edward Valeev

46914-G6: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics and Ab Initio Quantum Dynamics Investigation of Radical Reactions Involved in Combustion
John M. Herbert

47048-G6: Probing Photocatalysis Reaction Dynamics and Mechanism Using Non-equilibrium Multidimensional Infrared Spectroscopy
Kevin J. Kubarych

47118-G6: Control of Molecular Organo-metallics Conductance via Changes in the Ligation Scheme
Barry D. Dunietz

47488-G6: Charge Transfer in Amorphous Photovoltaics and Energy Storage Media
Vassiliy Lubchenko

47586-G6: Energy Transfer in a Trapped Gas of NH Molecules
Heather Lewandowski

47593-G6: Investigating Topological Transitions Among Soft Mesoscopic Structures in Microemulsions with All-Atom and Coarse-Grained Simulations
Garegin A. Papoian

47624-G6: Computer Simulation Studies of Forced Rupture Kinetics of 'Hydrophobic Bonds' Between Hydrocarbon Chains
Valeri Barsegov

47772-G6: Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Organic Molecular Films
Michael J. Tauber

47785-G6: Surface Properties of Fluorinated and Semifluorinated Alkanes
Mesfin Tsige

47880-G6: Molecular Basis of Tetrahydrofuran-Induced Enclathration
Dilip Asthagiri

48099-G6: Characterizing and Directing the Initial Dynamics in Multi-Component Solar Powered Water Splitting Inorganic Photocatalysts
Delmar Scott Larsen

48208-G6: Gas-Phase Reverse Micelles - Generation, Structure and Application
Jianbo Liu

48268-G6: Theoretical Investigation for the Enhanced Absorption of Nanostructured Semi-Conductor Materials
Shengli Zou

48309-G6: Ultrafast Dynamics of Photoinduced Charge Injection in Dye-Sensitized Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Andrew M. Moran

48352-G6: Molecular Dynamics Study of Flow-Induced Desorption in Water-Oil-Sand Mixtures
Aleksei Aksimentiev

48432-G6: Computational Studies of Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics in Methanol and Ethanol Probed by Ultrafast Infrared Spectroscopy
Steven A. Corcelli

48493-G6: Optically-Detected Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Fluids in Porous Materials
Shoujun Xu