Reports: Table of Contents
Learn about advanced energy research happening now.Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 1,300 active grants awarded by the PRF. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. For Grant Types, click here.
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42057-GB8: Is Rarity Tied to Extinction During Background Intervals? A Case Study Using Mollusk Species From the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Rowan Lockwood

44868-GB8: Controls on the Development of Mixed Siliciclastic/Carbonate Under-Filled Incised Valleys: Lessons from the Late Pleistocene/Holocene History of Baffin Bay, Texas
Alexander Ray Simms

46151-GB8: The Timing of Deformation and Landscape Evolution Along the Central Range Fault System, Trinidad
Scott Giorgis

47012-GB8: Microtomographic Imaging of the Air-Water Interface in Unsaturated Porous Media
Molly S. Costanza-Robinson

47132-GB8: Using Paleomagnetism to Investigate Distributed Deformation within the San Andreas Fault System, Central California
Sarah Titus

47487-GB8: Deformation Mechanisms and History of the Purgatory Conglomerate, Rhode Island
Yvette D. Kuiper

47842-GB8: Using Genetic Modeling of Sedimentary Parameters to Predict Species� Geographic Range Shifts in Response to Environmental Change
Alycia Stigall

47858-GB8: Dam-Controlled River Deltas as Meso-Scale Analogues for Offshore Sedimentary Systems
Noah P. Snyder

47967-GB8: Alluvial Architecture of the Springhill Mines and Ragged Reef Formations: Fluvial Reservoir Characteristics Linked to Paleogeomorphology
Michael C. Rygel

48329-GB8: Sedimentary Basin Inversion in Rotational Tectonics
Nathan W. Onderdonk