Reports: Table of Contents

Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 500 active grants awarded by the PRF and learn more about advanced energy research happening now. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. Learn about Grant Types.

Browse Reports by Title, by Institution, or by Principal Investigator


50690-ND3: Dimetal Nitrido Chemistry John Ferguson Berry
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50806-ND3: Development of Unsymmetrical Diboron Compounds for Regioselective Diboration and Chemoselective Cross-Coupling Reactions Webster L. Santos, PhD
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50971-ND3: Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation by Manganese Pyridinophane Complexes Jeremy M. Smith
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51077-ND3: Non-Innocent Ligands as a Redox Switch for Copolymerization Reactions Paula L. Diaconescu, PhD
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51178-ND3: The Role of Protons in Charge Transfer Reactions of Metal Oxide/Solution Interfaces James M. Mayer, PhD
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51566-ND3: Electrochemically-Controlled Alkene Binding Affinity of Surface-Immobilized Metal-Thiolate Complexes Francis Patrick Zamborini
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51715-ND3: A New Method to Link Metal Ions via Cycloaddition of Metal-Azides to Metal-Acetylides Adam Veige
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51756-ND3: Catalytic Carbonylation of Ketenes under Oscillating Pressures of Carbon Monoxide Carl D. Hoff, PhD
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51921-ND3: Photochemistry and Reactivity of Heterosubstituted Maltol Chelates Patrick J. Farmer
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51962-ND3: Synthesis and Characterization of Dyads Capable of Achieving Photoexcited Two-Electron Charge-Separated States Raphael G. Raptis, PhD
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51971-ND3: Metal-Free Activation of Nitrogen Oxides for Hydrocarbon Functionalization Timothy H. Warren
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52242-ND3: Polynuclear Manganese-Oxo Clusters as New Types of Homogeneous Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation George Christou, PhD
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52382-ND3: Nanoscale Actinide Clusters John Brennan, PhD
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