Reports: DNI852822-DNI8: Climate, Tectonics and the Ecosystem Impact: Exploring the Relationship Between Extrinsic Controls and Cyclic Alluvial Stratal Accumulations within the Paleocene Nacimiento Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
Daniel J. Peppe, PhD, Baylor University
Our team has
made excellent progress towards developing a sequence stratigraphic model of
deposition and a detailed paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental record for the
early Paleocene Nacimiento Formation in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico,
During these
field season, two sections were measured at Mesa de Cuba and three sections
were measured at Kimbeto Wash.
Samples from paleosols
from each section were processed for bulk geochemistry to reconstruct
paleoclimate for the sequence.
Our results thus
far indicate that while there were changes in environments of deposition, there
was no major climatic change between the Puercan 2 (Pu2) and Puercan 3 (Pu3)
North America Land Mammal “ages”.