Featured Reports
William Chain, PhD
University of Delaware

54452-ND1: Metal-Free Functionalization of Aromatic Rings - Remarkably Mild Carbon-Heteroatom and Carbon-Carbon Bond Formations, and Dehydrogenative Cross-Coupling Reactions
Thomas G. Gray, PhD
Case Western Reserve University

53315-ND3: Rational Synthesis of Iridium(III)-Alkane Complexes
Zoya Heidari, PhD
University of Texas at Austin

53763-DNI9: Impact of Organic Matter Spatial Connectivity on Electrical Properties of Organic-rich Source Rocks
Matthew F. Kirk, PhD
Kansas State University

53188-UNI2: Field Study of Fundamental Controls on Methane Formation in a Coalbed Methane Reservoir
Jingbo Liu, PhD
Texas A&M University-Kingsville

53827-UR10: Bringing Undergraduates into Lab-Based Research and Development (BUILD) for Effective Shale Gas Storage Using Macroporous Adsorption Complexes (MACs)
Dina C. Merrer, PhD
Barnard College

52099-UR4: Mechanisms and Dynamics of Carbene Additions to Anti-Bredt Olefins
Karen S. Molek, PhD
University of West Florida

53818-UNI6: Extending the Applications of SALDI-MS for Asphaltene Analysis Using Transition Metal Oxide Nanopowders
Carsten Sievers, PhD
Georgia Institute of Technology

53873-ND5: Reaction Pathways for Methane on Metal Oxide Surface - Influence of Lewis Acidity and Redox Activity
Chuanbing Tang, PhD
University of South Carolina

52701-DNI7: Square Arrays of Cylinders in Thin Films of Symmetric ABC Triblock Copolymers
Lisa M. Tranel, PhD
Illinois State University