Reports: DNI1054697-DNI10: Understanding the Interfaces Between Iron and Iron-Carbides
Christopher R. Weinberger, PhD, Drexel University
Steel is a key component of
the petroleum industry and its properties, structural as well as mechanical,
are governed by the microstructures that form during processing.
The first step in simulating
the interfaces is to identify and characterize the available interatomic
potentials that describe the Fe-C interactions.
One interesting result we
found from this process was the predictions of the EAM potentials compared to
the MEAM and Tersoff potentials.
To further test the
potentials and their ability to represent the iron carbide systems, we
investigated ability of each interatomic potential to predict the entire convex
hull. In the iron carbon system, only two structures are stable at low
temperatures: ferrite and graphite.
As an initial investigation
of the interfaces between
The impact of this research
to date has been primarily on the development of both the PI and the graduate
students career.