Reports: ND1053140-ND10: Nanofabrication of Porous Membranes for Separations of Gaseous Energy Carriers Under Conditions of Single-File Diffusion
Kirk J. Ziegler, University of Florida
Sergey Vasenkov, University of Florida
Effective separation of light gases is important because of an increasing use of methane as a primary energy carrier. This work focuses on the development of a new separation strategy based on the single-file diffusion (SFD) of select components in the gas mixture inside a porous membrane. Under these conditions, the effective diffusivity of a molecule is expected to decrease by many orders of magnitude in comparison to normal diffusion thus allowing for highly selective separations. The aim of this study is to fabricate model membranes capable of inducing SFD of molecules and on investigating diffusion in these membranes using pulsed field gradient (PFG) NMR at high field and high gradients.
Fabricate sacrificial
nanowires for pore formation. Metal-assisted
chemical etching is an attractive method to fabricate SiNWs because of its
simplicity, controllability, and versatility. In a typical etching process, a
silicon substrate is decorated with a noble metal (e.g., Ag) and immersed into
an etching solution. The redox reactions between the Si and the etching
solution cause the Si underneath the metal to dissolve.
lithography (NSL) is an effective technique to generate well-patterned metal
thin-films for fabricating SiNWs with controlled diameter and spacing. SiNW
arrays were fabricated by a combined approach of NSL and chemical etching, as
illustrated in Figure 1. First, monodisperse SiO2 nanospheres were assembled into a close-packed hexagonal pattern
on a Si substrate. The diameter of nanospheres was then reduced
by RIE to form a non-close-packed hexagonal pattern. Au was deposited (15 nm) on
the substrate to form a nanoporous Au thin film. Finally, chemical etching was
used to obtain SiNW arrays.
Although the diameter of SiNWs
can be controlled by using nanospheres with different initial
diameters, the smallest SiNW diameter that can be achieved by NSL
and chemical etching is ~100 nm. The diameter of the fabricated SiNW
arrays was reduced by thermal oxidization at 950 °C and subsequent removal of
the SiO2 shell. The SEM images of the resultant SiNWs are shown in Figure
2. It is seen that the NWs kept their vertical alignment without bundling
after thermal oxidization. The oxidization occurred much faster at the initial
oxidization stage. For example, the diameter of 100 nm NWs decreased by 39 nm
in the initial 15 min but decreased only by another 12 nm in the next 45 min of
oxidization. As the oxidization proceeds, the resultant SiO2 shell
forms an O2 barrier that retarded the reaction and ceased oxidation beyond
60 min. The final NW diameters were 137 and 44 nm for initial NW diameters of
200 and 95 nm, respectively.
A two-step oxidization technique was used to fabricate
sub-20 nm SiNW arrays, where a second oxidization was performed following the removal
of the SiO2 shell. SiNWs with an initial diameter of 95 nm were
used. The results after the second oxidization are shown in Figure 3. The
NWs still have uniform spacing and good vertical alignment. The average
diameter of the NWs was 16 nm, as shown in the histogram. NWs with average
diameters smaller than 16 nm can be obtained by using a longer duration for the
2nd oxidization (>20 min).
The PFG NMR diffusion studies
resulted in the first direct observation of SFD of molecular mixtures by any
type of experimental technique (Figure 4). While both CO and CH4
individually exhibit SFD with different effective rates of diffusion (viz. SFD
mobilities) in AV nanochannels, it is shown that both species in the mixture start
exhibiting SFD with the same SFD mobility. The observation of the coincident
mobility is expected for the mixture because under the SFD conditions molecules
cannot pass one another in the channels. In contrast to the relationship commonly
observed for normal diffusion, this mixture mobility is only slightly smaller
than that of pure CO which diffuses much faster than pure CH4. This
relationship between the SFD mobilities in the mixture and single-component CH4
sample can be rationalized by noticing that, under the conditions of SFD, the
displacement of any molecule strongly depends on the displacements of its
neighbors, resulting in highly correlated transport. In the mixture sample,
high local mobility of CO molecules trapped in-between CH4 molecules
affords a high mobility for these CH4 molecules in comparison to the
case when CO molecules in the channels are replaced by CH4 molecules
(i.e., the pure CH4 sample with the same number density).
Over the next year, PFG NMR
studies of SFD will be expanded to other gas mixtures including CO/CO2
mixtures to obtain a fundamental understanding of the relationship between the
SFD mobility of a single-component gas and that of the same gas in a gas
mixture. Such knowledge will enable design of transport-optimized gas separations
under the SFD conditions.
Chemical Communications cover
First observation of single-file diffusion for molecular mixtures. In
membrane-based separations of gas mixtures, more than one gas component is
expected to be present in membrane channels. Hence, studies of the feasibility
of gas separations under SFD conditions requires an ability to observe and
investigate single-file diffusion of molecular mixtures. During the last year
of the project, C-13 PFG NMR at a high magnetic field of 17.6 T and large
magnetic field gradients up to 30 T/m was applied to study diffusion of C-13
labeled CO and CH4 in L-Alanyl-L-Valine (AV) dipeptide nanotubes.
Both mixed and pure gases were used in diffusion studies. AV nanotubes were
selected as a model nanotube system capable of inducing SFD conditions for
small gas molecules.
Ms. Akshita Dutta, a University of Florida PhD student working on the project,
has developed an expertise in the area of diffusion studies of nanoporous
materials as well as in the application of high field NMR in these studies.