Reports: ND854498-ND8: Biogeochemical and Lithification Patterns in Microbial Carbonates through Interactions of Sedimentary Bed Forms and Fluid Flow
Tanja Bosak, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Taylor Perron, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Giulio Mariotti, a former postdoctoral scholar co-advised by Drs. Bosak and Perron, has established an experimental system to study the biogeochemical properties of and microbial growth on sandy sediments in the presence of bedforms and oscillatory flow. Dr. Mariotti has used this system to investigate the origin of some common patterns on the surface of sand beds. Recently, he identified interactions between oscillatory flow and cm-scale microbial aggregates that produce elongate trails on the surface of a sediment bed. Such trails abound in late Ediacaran and early Paleozoic sandstones and siltstones and are often attributed to early animals. Trails left by moving microbial aggregates share a number of characteristics with some presumed trace fossils of the earliest animals: elevated edges, zig-zag patterns, smooth curves, reversals, intersections with other trails, series of pits, and paths that terminate abruptly and restart nearby. Under the same flow conditions, millimetric microbial aggregates generate wrinkle structures. Thus, the interaction between flow and microbial aggregates on a sediment bed can produce a number of structures that are currently interpreted as evidence of early animal locomotion. Bosak presented this work at the GSA Annual Fall Meeting in Vancouver, 2014. An article describing these results is currently in review.