Reports: DNI554216-DNI5: Ethene-to-Propene Metathesis on Nickel-Exchanged Zeolites: A Fundamental Kinetic Study of the Effects of Pore Size and Nickel Structure on Ethene Dimerization Rates
Rajamani Gounder, PhD, Purdue University
Ethene consumption rates (per Ni2+, 453 K, 0.1 kPa C2H4) were ~1000x larger on Ni-Al-BEA than on Ni-Zn-BEA (Table 1). The molar selectivity to butene isomers was 87% on Ni-Al-BEA and 82% on Ni-Zn-BEA (Table 1, Fig. 2). Linear butenes (1-butene, cis-2-butene, trans-2-butene) were formed on both catalysts in equilibrated amounts (Fig. 2). Ni-Al-BEA also formed smaller C1-C3 hydrocarbons and isobutene (Fig. 2), in non-equilibrated amounts with respect to linear butenes, reflecting side reactions mediated by residual H+ sites.
The dependence of net butene formation rates on ethene pressure was determined to be 0.8 on Ni-Al-BEA and 1.9 on Ni-Zn-BEA (Fig. 3, Table 1). The ethene reaction order of ~1 on Ni-Al-BEA is consistent with active sites saturated with one ethene-derived intermediate (e.g., Ni-ethyl), while the reaction order of ~2 on Ni-Zn-BEA is consistent with essentially unoccupied active sites. We conclude that the orders-of-magnitude higher ethene consumption rates measured on Ni-Al-BEA than on Ni-Zn-BEA (Table 1), under the conditions studied here, correspond to rates measured in different kinetic regimes and surface coverages that preclude direct kinetic comparisons. The prevalence of different kinetic regimes likely reflect differences in the strength and reactivity of Ni2+ sites exchanged at two framework Al centers (in Ni-Al-BEA) or at one framework Zn center (in Ni-Zn-BEA). In both first-order and second-order kinetic regimes, apparent rate constants for ethene dimerization (per Ni2+ site) should depend on the surrounding pore environment, which preferentially stabilize larger ethene dimerization transition states over smaller adsorbed precursors that are kinetically-relevant in these regimes.
Future work will study apparent ethene reaction orders in wider ranges of pressures and temperatures and on all Ni-zeolite catalysts, in order to determine rates and rate constants that can be compared on different catalysts in equivalent kinetic regimes. We will investigate methods to titrate or exchange residual H+ sites in Ni-Al-BEA to suppress their catalytic contributions and isolate those arising solely from Ni2+ exchanged at two framework Al centers. We will also focus on spectroscopic characterization (infrared, X-ray absorption) and quantification (temperature-programmed reduction and titration/desorption techniques) of Ni and Zn sites in these materials.