Reports: ND553999-ND5: Electron-Phonon Interactions in Atomically Monodispersed Gold Cluster/Graphene Oxide Nanocatalysts
Ramakrishna Guda, Western Michigan University
The overall goal of the project is to probe electron-phonon interactions in atomically precise-gold cluster/graphene oxide nanocatalysts. Quantum-sized gold clusters possess unique crystal structure where in the core-gold is passivated by a shell-gold with staple motifs made up of –S-Au-S- (either monomeric or dimeric or trimeric). The electron-phonon interactions of core-gold and shell-gold influence their optical and catalytic properties. To accomplish the objective of monitoring electron-phonon interactions in gold cluster/graphene oxide nanocomposites, following specific tasks are carried out.
(i) Synthesis , characterization and electron-phonon interaction in Amine terminated bi-icosahedral Au25 (bi-Au25) clusters,
(ii) Electron-phonon interactions in Au67, Au102 and Au144 clusters
(iii) Ultrafast and temperature-dependent luminescence measurements on ultrabright Au22 clusters.
Significant Results
characterization and Electron-phonon interactions in Amine-terminated Au25
approach followed to synthesize gold clusters covalently attached to graphene
oxide was to prepare amine-terminated thio-capped gold clusters that can
readily bind to carboxylate terminated graphene oxide via amide bond formation.
To accomplish this, several amine-terminated thiols were used for synthesizing
bi- Au25 clusters and spherical Au25 clusters that
included (i) cysteamine, (ii) hexylamine and (iii) butyl-ethyl amine. (see
Figure 1A for structures) We have successfully synthesized bi-Au25
clusters capped with amine-terminated thiols. The synthetic procedure was
similar to what was reported for hexane-thiol capped bi-Au25 with
slight modifications in the ratio of reducing agent to gold phosphine and
stirring conditions. ESI-MS was used to characterize the clusters and one such
mass-spectrum (Figure 1B) was shown for butylethylamine thiol-capped bi-Au25
that has shown pure clusters with little contamination from other sizes. The
core-shell electron-phonon interactions were measured for the synthesized clusters
using temperature-dependent absorption and luminescence measurements.(Figure 1C)
The electron-phonon interactions were determined change in the lowest energy
maximum as a function of temperature that gave a phonon energy of 20 ± 10 meV
which is similar to hexanethiol passivated bi-Au25 clusters. The
measurements have shown negligible influence of changing the ligand on
electron-phonon interactions. Also, the results have revealed unique solvent-dependent
low temperature absorption that can be better explained by invoking hydrogen
bonding of the solvent with chlorine at the end. This observation was
originally observed for hexane thiol capped bi-Au25 and further
confirmed with thiolated amine passivated bi-Au25 clusters. The
investigations are currently underway to attach the amine terminated clusters
with carboxylated graphene oxide that was synthesized via modified Hummers
Figure 1. (A) Cartoon structures of bi-Au25 clusters capped with thiolated amines. (B) ESI-MS of [Au25(PPh3)10(C4NHC2S)5Cl2]2+ in methanol and (C) Temperature-dependent absorption spectra of [Au25(PPh3)10(NH2C6S)5Cl2]2+ in ethanol.
(ii) Electron-phonon interactions in Au67, Au102 and Au144 clusters
Research attempts are underway to attach larger quantum-sized gold clusters such as Au67, Au102 and Au144 to graphene oxide to prepare novel nanocatalysts. As a preliminary study, electron-phonon interactions in hexane thiol passivated Au67, Au102 and Au144 clusters (Figure 2A) were monitored via temperature-dependent absorption and ultrafast luminescence dynamics measurements. The idea is to understand the influence of cluster’s size, structure and symmetry on the electron-phonon interactions in gold clusters. Interesting temperature-dependent absorption spectral features were observed with decreasing temperature for clusters of different sizes. (Figure 2B-D) No new structural features were observed for Au67 and Au102 at low temperatures unlike smaller clusters such as Au25 and Au38 where sharper vibronic transitions appeared. Interestingly, more spectral information was observed for Au144 clusters when compared to Au67 and Au102 clusters. This unique result is ascribed to higher symmetry of Au144 when compared to low symmetric Au67 and Au102. Also the temperature-dependent optical absorption spectra were modeled with electron-phonon and exciton-phonon interactions and electron-phonon energy for Au144 (> 50 meV) is in the range of smaller clusters but much lower energy is observed for Au67 and Au102 (~20 meV). The differences observed were attributed to the differences in the symmetry of crystal structures where Au67 and Au102 possess low symmetry while Au144 has highest icosahedreon symmetry with all 60 ligands in a symmetric environment. In addition, exciton-phonon coupling was determined and the results have shown a decrease with increasing cluster size that was ascribed to lower exciton-phonon coupling strength for lower symmetry clusters. However, larger exciton-phonon coupling was observed for Au144 when compared to Au67 and Au102 clusters that was again assigned to the symmetry of the cluster. Ligand exchange reactions would be used to couple these clusters to graphene oxide to prepare hybrid nanoclusters that can be used for catalysis.
Figure 2. (A) Structures of Au67, Au102 and Au144 clusters. Temperature-dependent absorption spectra of (B) Au67(C6S)35, (C) Au102(C6S)44 and (D) Au144(C6S)60 in methylcyclohexane.
(ii) Time-resolved and temperature-dependent measurements to probe the origin of ultrabright luminescence from Au22(SG)18 clusters
In addition to temperature-dependent absorption, temperature-dependent luminescence measurements as a function of temperature are being used to probe electron-phonon in gold clusters. In one such study, temperature-dependent steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements were carried out to understand the enhanced PL in Au22(SG)18 clusters when they are bound to tetraoctylammonium bromide. (Figure 3A) We have Hiprobed the origin of PL in Au22(SG)18 clusters with combined time-resolved and temperature-dependent luminescence techniques. Temperature-dependent steady-state PL measurements (Figure 3B) have shown the presence of highly luminescent PL state below the freezing point. The measurements were further confirmed by temperature-dependent time-resolved PL studies that has shown long-lived PL state below the freezing point. From the results, it was concluded that the luminescence arises from the ligand-to-metal-metal charge transfer state of the shell-gold and also the presence of high quantum-yield triplet state in frozen media. As it was possible to observe ultrabright emission from these clusters in frozen media, Au22(SG)18 was bound to bulky TOA to rigidify the Au(I)-thiolate shell. The luminescence efficiency of the rigidified Au22 clusters enhanced remarkably and exhibits high quantum-yield luminescence ( >60%) at room temperature.
Figure 3. (A) Schematic diagram showing the luminescent enhancement in Au22(SG)18 clusters via rigidification of the shell-gold. (B) Temperature-dependent luminescence spectra of Au22(SG)18 in water/glycerol mixture showing sudden transition around the freezing temperature and (C) Temperature-dependent time-resolved luminescence decay traces at different temperatures.