Reports: ND653930-ND6: Multifunctional Desulfurization Elastomeric Polymer Nanocomposites
Zhanhu Guo, Lamar University
Suying Wei, Lamar University
1. The procedure
of PDMS/CNTs PNMs synthesis
1. SEM microstructures of PDMS/PSU membranes
made from ethyl acetate (a-c) and n-heptane (d-f). a&d, b&e and
c&f images depict the cross-section, top surface (PDMS) and bottom surface
(PSU) of the membranes, respectively
Figure 2. TGA of PSU substrate, neat PDMS and PNMs, with CNTs loading of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 wt%.
Table 1. Onset temperature T1onset
and T2onset of the PSU substrate, neat PDMS and the PNMs
Figure 3. Real permittivity (ε´) of PSU substrate, neat PDMS and PNMs with
CNTs loading of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 wt%, respectively
2. Absorbance measurement at 226 nm by UV-vis spectrometry
C(ppm) | A | C/A |
62.5 | 3.069 | 20.36494 |
125 | 3.449 | 36.24239 |
250 | 3.512 | 71.18451 |
500 | 3.526 | 141.8037 |
1000 | 3.552 | 281.5315 |
2000 | 3.568 | 560.5381 |
Table 2. Summary of concentration (ppm) of thiophene in thiophene/hexadecane mixture and corresponding absorbance (A) at 226 nm
Figure 4. Calibration curve with R2
= 0.99999 and equation C/A=0.27932 C+1.97519
Nanoparticle surface treatment
Scheme 2. Silanization of the hydroxyl group functionalized nanofiller.
Figure 5. FT-IR spectra of the as-received, modified Fe3O4 NPs, and the coupling agent.
4. Desulfurization equipment
Figure 6. Pervaporation system
In summary, PNMs preparation has been accomplished and the following work will be pursued to test the desulfurization performance and the results will be used to guide further optimization.
a) Thermal properties will be investigated by TGA/DSC.
b) Mechanical properties will be assessed by tensile test machine following the ASTM standard.
c) Morphology of nanofiller and membranes will be studied by SEM, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM).
d) Particle-polymer interactions will be further investigated by X-ray fluorescence elemental mapping, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
e) Thiophene/hexadecane will be used
to study desulfurization capacity of PDMS and the PNMs.