Reports: Table of Contents

Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 900 active grants awarded by the PRF and learn more about advanced energy research happening now. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. Learn about Grant Types.

Browse Reports by Title, by Institution, or by Principal Investigator


48740-ND6: Experimental Probes of Key Organometallic Reactive Intermediates: Metal Carbenes Scott Allen Reid
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48797-ND6: Catalytic Mechanisms for Hydrogen Production by Methanol Steam Reforming H. Guo, PhD
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48876-ND6: Frequency-Based Optical Spectroscopy Trevor J. Sears, PhD
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48890-ND6: Adsorption and Chromatographic Separation of Chain Molecules on Nanoporous Substrates Alexander V. Neimark, Professor
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49010-ND6: Pattern Formation in Spatially Structured Active Media: Theory and Simulations Bulbul Chakraborty, PhD
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49031-ND6: Accurate Quantum Dynamical Exploration of Fundamental Interactions between Hydrogen and Carbon Nanotubes Lionel W. Poirier
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49214-ND6: Photoluminescence Upconversion in Solution and Solid-State via Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Matthew F. Paige, PhD
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49286-ND6: Vibrational Sum-Frequency Probe of Interfacial Electron Transfer Dynamics Tianquan Tim Lian
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49639-ND6: Charge Traps in Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaic Materials Examined with 2DIR Spectroelectrochemistry John B. Asbury
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49910-ND6: Spectroscopy and Structures of Transition Metal Oxide Clusters Dong-Sheng Yang
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49930-ND6: Energetics of the Ligand and Solvent Coordination of Catalytically Important Organometallic Complexes Balint Sztaray, PhD
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Converging on Alaska
Dr. Ridgway
Polyene Synthesis
Dr. O'Neil
Dr. Bali
Faults and Fluid Flow
Dr. Huntington