Reports: Table of Contents

Here you can browse the latest reports on some of the more than 900 active grants awarded by the PRF and learn more about advanced energy research happening now. The reports are organized according to title, institution, principal investigator, and grant type. Learn about Grant Types.

Browse Reports by Title, by Institution, or by Principal Investigator


49343-UNI6: Room Temperature Chirped-Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy for the Study of Radical Reaction Dynamics Steven T. Shipman, PhD
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49427-UNI6: Light Metal Mediated Hydrogen Storage Capacity of Graphene Nanoribbons Veronica Barone, PhD
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49505-UNI6: Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) Spectroscopic Studies of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's) at Liquid Water Surfaces Elizabeth A. Raymond, PhD
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49527-UNI6: Fundamental Studies of Atmospheric Pressure Microhollow Cathode Discharge Plasma Jet Interaction with Liquid Media WeiDong Zhu, PhD
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50291-UNI6: Computational Design of CO2-Philic Hydrocarbon Polymers to Promote More Efficient Oil Recovery Collin Wick, PhD
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50559-UNI6: Exploring Lubricants: Investigating the Solid-Liquid Interface Using Molecular Simulation Kelly E. Anderson, PhD
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Converging on Alaska
Dr. Ridgway
Polyene Synthesis
Dr. O'Neil
Dr. Bali
Faults and Fluid Flow
Dr. Huntington