44th International Chemistry Olympiad

July 21-30, 2012 • Washington, DC • United States of America


IChO photos

Financial Support for IChO 2012 Participation 

Through a special donation, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) offers support for the participation of countries with limited financial resources. Countries are invited to apply for financial support to attend the 44th IChO in 2012.  The IChO Steering Committee will review applications at its meeting in December 2012. Countries that may be receiving support from the IUPAC will be notified by email in December 2011.
The priorities for the use of this support are:

  • Bringing additional students if there are less than four in the team,
  • Bringing an additional mentor if there are less than two,
  • Support to reduce the participation fee of a country.

Applications are accepted from the Head Mentor of any participating country until November 30, 2011. Your application should contain the following data:

  • Name of the country
  • Name and contact details of the Head Mentor
  • Type of support requested
  • Amount of support requested
  • Explanation why the support is needed

Please submit your application and send via email to icho2012@acs.org.