Reports by Institution

Reports by Pennsylvania State University

45382-AC8 A Field and Numerical Study of the Morphology, Flow, Sedimentary Processes, and Stability of River-Channel Bifurcations
43857-AC9 An Integrated Numerical and Experimental Study of Scaling Effects in Stirred Tank Reactors
44848-AC6 Benchmark Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations for Carbon and Hydrocarbon Species
43995-AC10 Boride Thin Films and Heterostructures Using Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition
42705-AC8 Development of an Orbital Calcareous Nannofossil Biochronology for the Paleocene to Lower Oligocene
45206-G8 Development of Field-Scale Petrophysical Relations for Imaging Fluid Flow and Transport in Fractured Media with Electrical Resistivity Tomography
44300-G9 Dynamic Optimization of Process Systems Using Molecular Simulations
45799-G9 Estimation of Macroscopic Fracture Transport Properties from Micro-Scale Flow Structures and Fracture Geometry
43431-G10 Fundamental Investigations of Carbon-Metal Composites for Catalyzed Hydrogen Storage
43034-AEF Heteroleptic tris-bipyridyl Ruthenium complexes as photosensitizers for overall photocatalytic water-splitting
43557-AC5 High-Resolution Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Sheet Plasmons
44424-AC4 Improving the Function of RNA by Conformational Restriction
44729-AC2 Light Methane in Cold Environments: Insights from the Intramolecular Carbon Isotopic Composition of Acetate
43042-G7 New Approaches to Self-Assembled Electroactive Polymers Exhibiting High Electromechanical Responses
45651-AC4 Novel Topologies for Unpaired-Electron Interactions
44523-AC5 Protein Adsorption from Aqueous Solution with Relevance to Fouling
45293-G10 Revealing Microscopic Nature of Light-Induced Defects in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Using Ultrafast Difference 2D IR Spectroscopy
43453-AC10 Site-specific chemistry on colloidal particles by �particle lithography�
42455-AC10 Synthesis and Characterization of High Density Semiconductor Nanowire Arrays
44624-AC3 Understanding C-H Bond Activation in Oxidative Heme Proteins
40546-AC8 Why do Leaves Have Teeth? Breakthroughs in Paleoclimate Analysis from the Biological Understanding of Leaf Shape