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Synthesis and Characterization of High Density Semiconductor Nanowire Arrays
Joan M. Redwing, Pennsylvania State University
Silicon nanowire (SiNW) arrays are of interest
for applications in photovoltaics and photoelectrochemistry.� High density SiNW
arrays offer several potential advantages for solar cell applications in terms
of processing costs, conversion efficiency and device stability.� The
development of nanowire-based devices has been limited, however, due in part,
to a lack of understanding of the basic electrical properties of SiNWs and
nanowire array structures.�
Our studies in this area are
therefore focused on fabricating and characterizing the electrical properties
of high density SiNW arrays.� The nanowires are synthesized using a
vapor-liquid-solid mechanism, in which gold serves as the catalyst for axial
wire growth from a Si-containing precursor gas.� In the prior year of the
program, we investigated the resistivity of SiNWs fabricated by VLS growth in
metal-infiltrated nanoporous alumina membranes.� The alumina membranes provide
a support structure for the aligned growth of nanowires and also enable the
fabrication of electrical contacts via the top and bottom membrane surfaces. Our
studies revealed, however, that the alumina membranes also introduce impurities,
most likely aluminum, into the SiNWs during growth resulting in p-type
conductivity with a nanowire resistivity on the order of 1 ohm-cm for �undoped�
structures. This relatively high acceptor background is undesirable for
photovoltaic applications.� �
In order to further study the impact of the
substrate on SiNW resistivity, we have focused our efforts during the past year
on the fabrication and characterization of nanowire arrays grown on high purity
Si substrates.� Epitaxially oriented SiNW arrays were fabricated on (111)Si
substrates by VLS growth using SiCl4 as the Si source gas.� Our
nanowire array fabrication studies have focused on investigating the effect of
growth conditions on wire orientation, structure and growth rate. Wire
orientation was found to be strongly dependent on the growth temperature with ~
80% of the SiNWs being <111> oriented perpendicular to the substrate at
900oC but dropping to ~18% at 800oC.� At low SiCl4
partial pressures (PSiCl4), the growth rate of the wires
increases with increasing PSiCl4 reaching a maximum of ~ 3 μm/min
at PSiCl4 of 3.7 Torr.� Beyond this point, the growth rate begins to
decrease with increasing PSiCl4.� Thermodynamic modeling studies
revealed that the growth rate behavior arises due to a shift in gas phase
equilibrium which promotes the reverse Si etching reaction at high SiCl4
partial pressures.
The resistivity of nominally undoped SiNWs grown using
SiCl4 was studied using four-point measurements carried out on individual
SiNWs released from the substrate by ultrasonic agitation and assembled onto
pre-patterned back-gated test structures using field-assisted assembly. This
work was carried out in collaboration with Prof. Theresa Mayer in the
Electrical Engineering Department at Penn State.� Nominally undoped SiNWs grown
on high resistivity (111)Si substrates (r=2,000-10,000
ohm-cm) were found to have a high room-temperature resistivity, on the order of
6,000 ohm-cm. �Assuming that the carrier mobility in the NWs is similar to that
of bulk Si, this indicates a background doping level of <1014 cm-3
for undoped SiNWs grown on high purity Si substrates.�
During the remaining period of the project, our
studies will focus on intentional doping of the SiNWs grown by VLS on Si
substrates and the fabrication and electrical characterization of axial and
radial p-n junctions in the nanowires.�
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