Reports: G10 46727-G10: Solute Morphology And Transport In Polymeric Fuel Cell Materials

Louis A. Madsen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

            This project was on a no-cost extension from 8/31/09-8/31/10, finishing up publications and analyses during that year. As per PRF guidelines, this will be a brief update that is not specifically required.  The Madsen Lab has developed new morphological models for channel alignment and defect structure in ionomer membranes, as well as how such structures affect transport of water and other diluents such as ionic liquids.  We have advanced measurements and understanding of separate cation and anion associations via chemically specific diffusion and spectroscopy measurements.  We have had fruitful collaborations with Professors Robert B. Moore and James E. McGrath at VT as part of this project.  Our fundamental results are guiding the way toward improved efficiency and reduced cost of hydrogen fuel cells, lightweight batteries, mechanical actuators, and water desalinization systems.  

            During this reporting period, this work has contributed to 12 presentations at regional (2), national/international (6) meetings and invited university lectures (4) during this reporting period, as well as a publication in Macromolecules. This grant has helped launch Madsen's career as an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech and has provided key leverage to obtain an NSF CAREER award in 2009 ($475k), as well as a full 3yr NSF grant in 2010 ($324k) as part of an IUPAC international collaborative grant RFP. 

Moving Mountains; Dr. Surpless
Desert Sea Fossils; Dr. Olszewski
Lighting Up Metals; Dr. Assefa
Ecological Polymers; Dr. Miller