Sarah L. Codd, PhD, Montana State University (Bozeman)
The 10th ICMRM was organized under the auspices of the Division of Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance of the Groupement AMPERE. It was held in West Yellowstone, Montana, USA from Aug 30th – September 4th , 2009.
Following tradition, the program consisted of an educational session (Sunday afternoon, Aug 30th) followed by a general conference (Monday-Thursday).
The ICMRM was attended by 160 participants from 15 countries of whom 50 were students. The conference received external support in the form of sponsorship from a number of industrial companies and from Montana State University and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. A grant from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIH-BIB) provided support specifically for the speakers whose talks had relevance for biomedical research. A grant from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS-PRF) provided support specifically for the speakers whose talks had relevance for petroleum research. The National Science Foundation sponsored two speakers with expertise in MR application to colloidal or particulate suspensions.
The Educational Program consisted of 6 lectures presented by:
Louis Bouchard (USA)
Peter Blümler (Germany)
Luisa Ciobanu (France)
Martin Hurlimann (USA)
Mike Johns (UK)
Siegfried Stapf (Germany)
The General Conference had 50 oral presentations and 200 posters.
The topics of the 11 oral sessions were High Field I & II, Material Science Applications, Flow/Diffusion, In-Vivo/Biological/Biomedical Applications I & II,
Mobile/Low Field NMR I & II, Polarisation Enhancement, 2D Relaxation and Diffusion Correlation and the Young Investigator Finalists. There were 3 poster sessions.
Invited speakers in the General Conference included:
Bruce Balcom (Canada)
Melanie Britton (UK)
Paul Callaghan (New Zealand)
Federico Casanova (Germany)
Sergey Dvinskikh (Sweden)
Eiichi Fukushima (USA)
Igor Koptyug (Russia)
Lynn Gladden (UK)
Ute Goerke (USA)
David Lurie (UK)
Ben Newling (Canada)
Gil Navon (Israel)
Jeff Reimer (USA)
Yi-Qiao Song (USA)
Invited Speakers in the Mobile/Low Field NMR Sessions included:
Bernhard Blümich (Germany)
Vicky Demas (USA)
Katsumi Kose (Japan)
Andrew McDowell (USA)
Lizhi Xiao (China)
Two special sessions were organized and chaired by Peter Basser (USA) and sponsored by NIH-BIB. Speakers in this session were:
Steve Blackband (USA)
Mark Henkelman (Canada)
Russell Jacobs (USA)
Evren Ozarslan (USA)
Hadassah Shinar (Israel)
Sankaran Subramanian (USA)
Henk Van As (Netherlands)
Yang Xia (USA)
Social Events
A welcome reception was sponsored by Bruker and held on Sunday evening. The event centered around an entertaining historical talk from Eiichi Fukushima (Albuquerque, USA).
A western BBQ was sponsored by Varian and held on Wednesday evening after a spectacular conference tour to see the thermal features and wildlife in Yellowstone National Park.
The final conference awards dinner was held in front of an open fire in the historic stone Union Pacific Dining Hall in West Yellowstone.
Young Investigator Award.
A jury of distinguished scientists selected the following finalists, who all received a $500 travel allowance and presented their research in a special session on the last day of the conference
Tyler Brosten (Montana State University, USA)
Ernesto Danieli (RWTH – Aachen/ITMC, Germany)
Stefan Gloeggler (RWTH – Aachen/ITMC, Germany)
Daniel Holland (University of Cambridge, UK)
Prodromos Parasoglou (University of Cambridge, UK)
Chunqi Qian (National High Magnetic Field Lab, USA)
The winner, Chunqi Qian, was announced at the conference dinner and books donated by several publishers were awarded to all finalists.
Student Poster Prize
The student poster prize winners were selected by a jury of distinguished scientists and announced at the conference dinner:
Amber Broadbent (Montana State University, USA)
Sarah Creber (University of Cambridge, UK)
Alex Adair (University of New Brunswick)
Image Beauty Competition
Yang Xia reminded us of the importance to include fun and creativity in our daily activities and awarded the "art" prize to:
Hilary Fabich (Montana State University, USA)
and the "art"-ifact prize to:
Igor Koptyug (International Tomography Center, Russia )
The Organizers:
Sarah Codd (Montana State University, Montana, USA)
Joseph Seymour (Montana State University, Montana, USA)
Steven Beyea (National Research Council, Halifax, Canada)
Paul Majors (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA, USA)
Kevin Minard (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA, USA)
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