Ben W.-L. Jang, Texas A&M University-Commerce
The Green Chemistry Symposium -- Fuels of The Future at the 239th ACS National Meeting focuses on the design, development, analysis and processing of future fuels, including fossil fuels and biofuels, that sustain the environmental in a way that is both feasible and economically viable. There are five theme areas including 1. Alternative feedstocks for synthetic fuel (natural gas, biogas, syngas, ethanol, others) 2. Alternative processes for clean fuels (scCO2, ionic liquids, gas expanded liquids, others.) 3. Ultraclean fuels from conventional or renewable resources 4. Analytic and Characterization methods 5. Novel catalysts and nanomaterials (synthesis, properties and applications) There were total 66 papers in the five-day symposium. The average attendance was ~80 per session. There were 10 invited keynote speakers. They are George Huber, U. of Massachusetts; Walter Leitner, RWTH Aachen; J. Jerry Spivey, Louisiana S. U., Annegret Stark, U. of Jena; Chunshan Song, Penn S. U.; Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, Tufts U.; Flemming Besenbacher, Arahus U.; Lijun Wan, Beijing National Laboratory of Molecular sciences; D. Wayne Goodman , Texas A&M U. and Sang H. Moon, Seoul National U. A special issue of Energy & Environmental Science (Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, vol. 3) provided a critical forum for the presentation of the newest research, progress and innovations in this truly international field with emphasis on both the energy and the environmental aspects of the future fuels. The issue was published in March 2010.
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