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Solute Morphology And Transport In Polymeric Fuel Cell Materials
Louis A. Madsen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The Madsen
lab has been exploring two areas of research within this PRF-G project: 1) molecular alignment in ionomers such as
Nafion ® and sulfonated polysulfones, and 2) diffusion of water and other
solutes absorbed into such ionomers.
These studies have produced new morphological models for ionomer
membranes, and have revealed new ways to optimize proton, ion, and small
molecule transport in these materials.
Such information will allow for greatly improved efficiency and cost of
hydrogen fuel cells, lightweight batteries, mechanical actuators, and water
desalinization systems.
(1) has yielded dramatic results (see Figs.
1 and 2) regarding alignment of the hydrophilic channels in Nafion
membranes processed under different conditions.
We have published one paper in Macromolecules and another is under
review. We have used NMR quadrupole
splittings on D2O absorbed into Nafion membranes (Fig. 1) to measure orientational order
parameters to quantify molecular alignment.
We measure uniform alignment in extruded membranes, and can conveniently
quantify the biaxiality parameter.
Surprisingly, dispersion-cast Nafion exhibits alignment through the
membrane plane, which may produce higher proton or other ion conductivity and
thus is desirable for many device applications.
Fig. 2 depicts our models for
the alignment modes consistent with our NMR data. Using these measurement techniques in
conjunction with enhanced processing methods, e.g., casting in a magnetic field, promises to enhance ionomer
device performance.
Area (2) has involved close
collaboration with Profs. McGrath, Long, and Moore at VT, where they have provided cast
films of polysulfones with various chemistries and morphologies, and
custom-drawn Nafion films. We have
additionally studied five different commercially available IL's both in neat
form, and absorbed into Nafion membranes.
Our NMR diffusometry and spectroscopy studies on these materials have
yielded a wealth of information on the dynamics of water and ILs in ionomers.
Measuring self-diffusion
coefficients D using pulsed-field-gradient
(PFG) NMR yields quantitative information regarding the transport of small
molecules or ions in membranes. The
chemical specificity of NMR allows us to determine D for separate components, e.
g., IL cations and anions and co-diluents such as water. A critical factor for operation of ionomer-based
artificial muscle actuators is that of water uptake influencing actuator
performance. Our methods precisely
measure the wt % uptakes of each component relative to the membrane using NMR
signal intensities. Thus, we can
quantify the water absorbed at ambient (or any other) humidity levels, and
correlate that with D as well as with
fuel cell proton conductivity or mechanical actuator response. In our measurements on ionic polymer
actuators, water is absorbed in a 1:1 mol ratio with the IL, which produces
faster dynamics in both the water and the IL.
We have also probed the anisotropy
of diffusion using multi-axis PFG-NMR, and correlated this information with our
alignment (spectroscopy) measurements. Fig. 3 shows clear diffusion anisotropy
in the extruded membrane of Figs. 1 and
2, and in drawn Nafion and oriented sulfonated biphenyl sulfone (BPSH)
block copolymers. Nafion exhibits a cylindrically-symmetric channel morphology, while BPSH is
a lamellar (planar symmetry) phase. Our
next step is to build an apparatus to cast membranes inside the NMR
spectrometer in an attempt to orient these materials using the magnetic field
while observing development of anisotropy in
This work has resulted in 9
presentations during this reporting period, a publication in Macromolecules, and a paper under review
in Macromolecules. We are preparing to submit another
manuscript involving ionic liquid and water diffusion. We expect this work to have far reaching
implications for polymeric fuel cells, mechanical actuators, and battery designs.

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