Daniel Goldman, University of Dayton
This is a final report for this project. The principal results are listed below:
1) Bedding plane co-occurrence of graptolites and conodonts in Ordovician dark shale sequences:
plane co-occurrence of biostratigraphically useful conodonts and graptolites in Ordovician shale sequences
enhances the overall correlation precision between platform and deep water
successions. Darriwilian shale successions in Tarim, western China, and Alabama and Idaho in North
America contain the key conodont zonal indicator
species Pygodus anitae,
P. serra, and P. anserinus
(as well as more long-ranging taxa) on bedding planes
with Pterograptus elegans
to Nemagraptus gracilis
Zone graptolites. Three of the Pygodus
bedding plane associations appear to be partial conodont
apparatuses. The occurrence of bedding plane conodonts
with graptolites across the Sandbian-Katian boundary
at Black Knob Ridge (
New collections across the Sandbian-Katian succession at the Hartfell
Score section near
2) High-resolution stratigraphic correlation and Biodiversity Dynamicsin Middle and Late Ordovician Marine Fossils From Baltoscandia:
During the early Late Ordovician there was a significant decline in marine biodiversity that has been variously attributed to sea level, facies, and climatic changes. In the East Baltic area several workers have described such a marked diversity decline and faunal turnover in microfossils at the Keila - Oandu Stage boundary, an event called the Oandu Crisis. To get a better understanding of microfossil diversity dynamics in the Baltoscandian Middle and Upper Ordovician succession we used constrained optimization (CONOP9) to construct a composite range chart from the stratigraphic data of 505 chitinozoan, conodont, ostracod, and graptolite species from 20 boreholes and 8 outcrops. We employed the CONOP composite as a timescale in which to calculate biodiversity, extinction, and origination rates through the Middle and Late Ordovician. Traditional biodiversity metrics, and more recent probabilistic methods based on capture-mark-recapture analysis, were used to estimate biodiversity and fossil recovery patterns. We divided the CONOP composite into 860 Kyr intervals spanning the Lasnamägi through Porkuni stages. Our data show that overall biodiversity increased steadily from the beginning of the Keila to the middle Rakvere stages, mainly due to an increase in ostracod diversity. Chitinozoan diversity reached a zenith in the late Keila, dropped through the Oandu Stage, and then gradually declined during the rest of the Ordovician. Chitinozoans exhibited constant origination but variable extinction rates and underwent a dramatic diversity decline associated with the d13C isotope excursion known as the GICE event. Conodonts had diversity peaks in the early Uhaku and early Kukruse stages, and then declined gradually through the Late Ordovician. In this interval conodonts exhibited constant extinction and origination rates and their diversity decline is attributable to depressed origination rates. Interestingly, the fossil preservation and recovery rate was highly variable and appears to exert a strong influence on the observed biodiversity pattern.
3) A Composite Taxon Range Chart and Conodont Biodiversity Dynamics from the Ordovician of Baltoscandia
Both CONOP 9 and a new method called Horizon Annealing were used to construct composite range charts from the stratigraphic range data of 159 Ordovician conodont species in 24 boreholes and outcrops in Baltoscandia. We converted the composite sections to timescales in which to calculate biodiversity, extinction, and origination rates through the Early, Middle and Late Ordovician. The two methods produced broadly similar range charts and diversity curves that differed in small but interesting ways. We divided the composites into 1.15 my intervals (a temporal resolution twice that of the median zone duration) spanning the Paltodus deltifer through Amorphognathus ordovicicus conodont zones Our data show that overall biodiversity increases steadily from the base of the P. deltifer Zone to the base of the E. suecicus Zone, and then steeply declines throughout the remainder of the Ordovician. Interestingly, the start of this decline is coincident with the mid-Darriwilian (Kunda) regression and d13C isotope excursion. Extinction rates climb steadily through the Early Ordovician, fluctuate around higher values during much of the Middle Ordovician, before reaching a peak low in the E. suecicus Zone. Extinction rates then drop again to pre-E. suecicus Zone values for the remainder of the Ordovician. Origination rates are very low across the Billingen-Volkhov boundary (base of the Dapingian) and climb to a peak in the late Lenodus variabilis Zone. Origination rates crash in the E. suecicus Zone and remain low until the late A. tvaerensis Zone when they begin to slowly rise again. Thus, the dramatic late Middle and Late Ordovician drop in conodont diversity in Baltoscandia appears to be attributable to depressed origination.
Uniting these three projects is the fact that having direct co-existences of graptolites and conodonts allows the CONOP program to directly integrate sections that represent different biofacies. Thus, the bedding plane assemblages of taxa that generally occur in different biofacies provide firm ties that CONOP can use to help solve correlation problems.
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