Paul J. Fischer, Macalester College
Research sponsored by ACS-PRF# 46626-B3 during 2009-2010 advanced two chemical research projects; one project was completed and published, a second was initiated. The primary objective was a reactivity study of the group VI-group X heterobimetallic allyl complexes M{M'(h3-allyl)}(CO)3(h5:h1-C5H4CH2CH2PPh2) (M' = Ni, M = Cr (1), Mo (2), W (3); M' = Pd, M = Cr (4), Mo (5), W (6)) towards organic free radicals. Complexes 1 – 6 were synthesized via salt elimination reactions of [M'(h3-allyl)Cl]2 and Na[M(CO)3(h5:h1-C5H4CH2CH2PPh2)]; 1 - 6 were fully characterized in solution and the solid-state (elemental analysis and X-ray crystallography). These six complexes provide 4,4,4-triphenyl-1-butene as the sole allyl ligand coupling product from competitive reactions of phenyl and trityl radicals (generated by the thermal decomposition of phenylazotriphenylmethane). While phenyl radical attack at Pd(II) of isolobal Pd(h3-allyl)Cl(PPh3) is proposed as the first step in its related trityl radical-allyl ligand coupling reaction, direct trityl radical attack at h3-allyl without phenyl radical participation is strongly suggested in 1 – 6 based on 31P NMR studies (where no M'-phenyl intermediates were observed), quantitatively determining the fate of phenyl radical via GC/MS, and high conversions to 4,4,4-triphenyl-1-butene via reactions of 1 – 6 and trityl dimer. A modest heterobimetallc effect may render the chromium complexes 1 and 4 more reactive with trityl radical than the tungsten complexes 3 and 6. This project was a source of tremendous professional growth for the PI as his initial foray into probing ligand based reactivity. This work was published in Organometallics (2010); peer-reviewed publication and associated presentations (e.g., one PRF-sponsored student presented this work via a poster at the Spring 2010 ACS meeting) will support anticipated chemistry graduate school applications. The second objective advanced by ACS-PRF# 46626-B3 was initiation of a project involving group VI metal complexes containing anionic bidentate phosphines. In this regard, nine carbonyl complexes containing [Ph2B(CH2PPh2)2]- were synthesized and characterized for anticipated reactivity studies during 2010-2011.
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