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George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or Petroleum Chemistry: Symposium in Honor of Israel E. Wachs, at the ACS National Meeting, April 6-10, 2008, New Orleans, LA

Peter C. Stair, Northwestern University

This grant supported travel support for foreign invited speakers to attend a symposium honoring Prof. Israel E. Wachs as the 2008 Olah Award Winner held at the 235th National Meeting of the ACS in New Orleans. The scientific topic of the symposium was the understanding of hydrocarbon transformations by heterogeneous catalysis at the molecular level using synthesis, reaction studies, in-situ and operando measurements and theory. For the past three decades, Israel E. Wachs’ pioneering fundamental and applied contributions to selective oxidation catalysis have been continuously advancing this area of hydrocarbon chemistry. Selective oxidation catalysis represents the major route in upgrading hydrocarbons in the petroleum chemistry field with the majority of the reactions employing heterogeneous catalysts.  Professor Wachs’ work has had a major impact on the field of catalysis internationally. Therefore, many foreign guests attended this event for the catalysis community. Altogether, four 1/2-day sessions were attended by up to 100 people to honor Prof. Wachs.

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