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The Structure of Dynamics of Wet Electrons at Metal Oxide Surfaces
Hrvoje Petek, University of Pittsburgh
Research was performed on the unoccupied
electronic states of atoms and molecules on metal surfaces. The unoccupied electronic structure was
investigated by experiment and theory.
The PRF grant primarily supported the theoretical part of the research by
Dr. Jin Zhao.
The GW band structure of
TiO2. In the 2007
report, we discussed the electronic structure of O atom vacancy defects on TiO2
surfaces. We extended these
studies to the OH impurities, which also reduce the surfaces. Both experiments show a delocalized
structure of excess electrons that are introduced by the surface
reduction. Our theoretical
calculations of the geometrical and electronic structure of reduced surfaces
using the GGA method with the PBE functional is in excellent agreement with the
experimental structures. Different
theoretical approaches that account for self-interaction through inclusion of the
Hartree-Fock exchange and correlation, e.g. the B3LYP functional, give
localized excess electron distributions and asymmetric distortion of TiO2
lattice that contradict our experiments.
Because a significant fraction of the community believes hybrid
functionals are superior for describing the electronic structure of metal oxides,
we have had difficulty publishing our results. In order to remedy the existing misconceptions on how to
calculate the electronic structure of metal oxides, together with Prof. Angel
Rubio, we performed a GW calculation of the electronic structure of TiO2. With a perturbation theoretical
approach to self-interaction and accounting for the excitonic effects by
solving the Bethe-Saltpeter equation, we could reproduce the optical band gap
of TiO2 better than is possible by either GGA or B3LYP approaches. In the future, we will extend these
calculations to the structure of reduced TiO2 surfaces. Developing a theoretical approach to
treating defects in metal oxides, which do not rely on the choice of the
functional, will represent a significant advance in our understanding of the
electronic structure of these important materials. Publications for the Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical
Review B are in preparation.
The m=1 states of alkali atoms on metals. We extended our studies on the electronic structure of
alkali atoms on noble metal surfaces by exploring the unoccupied states derived
from the px and py orbitals, which have p
(m=1) symmetry with respect to the surface normal. We observed such states for Cs and K on Ag(111) and Cu(111)
surfaces. With a wave packet
propagation method, we determined the energies of m=1 states with respect to
the previously known m=0 states that are derived from the valence s
orbital. The experimental
discovery and theoretical interpretation of the m=1 states significantly adds
to our knowledge of how metal surface modifies modify the electronic structure
of simple, one-electron, adsorbates.
This research is under review at the Physical Review Letters.
Superatom states of hollow molecules. We discovered a new kind of electronic state that is
particular to hollow molecules such as fullerenes and nanotubes. By spectroscopic imaging of single and
variously aggregated C60 molecules on copper surfaces, we mapped out
the local density of states (LDOS) at different bias energies. In previous STM studies, the LDOS of
the LUMO states with the p orbital character have been extensively studied. We discovered that above LUMO+2, the
LDOS of the p
orbitals on the C atom framework can no longer be resolved. Rather, the images show much simper
LDOS maps that appear as the s, p, and d orbitals of atoms (Fig. 1). In plane
wave DFT calculations on single C60 molecules, Dr. Jin Zhao found
that ~3.5 eV above LUMO there exist orbitals, which are no longer bound to the
individual C atoms, but rather appear as s, p, and d orbitals of atoms centered
on the hollow molecular core.
Because of their appearance and properties, we have dubbed them the
superatom molecular orbitals (SAMOs).
By experiment and theory we have shown that SAMOs of two adjacent C60
molecules on Cu surfaces hybridize like the atomic orbitals of H atoms when
they form an H2 molecule.
Even more intriguing, 1D chains and 2D islands of C60
molecules form bands with nearly free-electron like delocalization, such as found
s-electron metals (e.g. alkali metals).
By analyzing the theoretical potential of a C60 molecule, we
concluded that SAMOs exist because of a weak central potential within the C60
molecular core. The origin of this
potential is the screening of an external charge by the C atom sheet, which
gives rise to a short-range exchange correlation (correlation hole) potential
within the hollow core. Because
screening is a universal property, we expect that such states exist in all
hollow materials.
This research was published in
Science, and will be the subject of a future article in the Accounts in
Chemical Research.

Figure 1. The
dI/dV images of an isolated C60 molecule on copper surface showing
the LDOS of LUMO-2 and s-, p-, and d-SAMO states.
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