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Fluorine: Enabling Element of Modern Chemistry, 18th Winter Fluorine Conference, January 2007, St. Petersburg, FL
Viacheslav Petrov, Division of Fluorine Chemistry ACS
The 18th Winter Fluorine Conference held in January of 2007 in St. Petersburg, FL, USA attracted over 250 participants from United States, Japan, Korea, Russia, Germany, UK, Poland and France. The Conference featured presentations on enabling role of fluorine in modern chemistry and offered a variety of presentations in different areas of modern chemistry of fluorinated materials, including reports on recent development in chemistry of fluorinated biologically active compounds and synthetic organic, inorganic and industrial chemistry of fluorine. During this six-day international interdisciplinary forum, the 2007 ACS Fluorine Award Address, 20 plenary lectures and 93 oral and poster presentations emphasizing the pivotal role that fluorine plays in modern chemistry were showcased. Four student poster awards sponsored by SyQuest Laboratories and Division of Fluorine Chemistry of ACS were also presented.
PRF fund # 4672SE was used for sponsor foreign participants of the 18th Winter Fluorine Conference (January 14-19, 2007), St. Petersburg, FL, USA. The list of speakers who received financial support ($360) is attached below. Petroleum Research Fund support of the 18th Winter Fluorine Conference was acknowledged in Introduction by the Chairman of the 18th WFC Conference, in Abstract book and at several poster boards listing sponsors during the conference.
Fluorine Division of the American Chemical Society greatly appreciates the support of the petroleum Research Fund.
PRF fund ($360 x 10=$3600):
1. Prof. D. Bonnet-Delpone, BIOCIS-CNRS, University of Paris Sud, France
2. Prof. G. Haufe, University of Munster, M�nster, Germany
3. Prof. M. Zanda, Dipartimento di Chimica del Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
4. Prof. G. Resnati, Dipartimento di Chimica del Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
5. Prof. D. O'Hagan University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, UK
6. Prof. J. Kvicala, Institute of Chemical Technology, ICT Praue, Czech Republic
7. Prof. H. Koroniak, A. Mizkiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
8. Prof. E. Kemnitz, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
9. Prof. G. Roshcenthaller, University of Bremen, Germany
10. Prof. A. Tressaud, ICMCB-CNRS, University of Bordeax, Pesass France
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