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Variational Reduced-Density-Matrix Calculations for Studying the Chemistry of Radicals
David A. Mazziotti, University of Chicago
research in reduced-density-matrix theory was initially inspired by Charles
Coulson's 50-year-old dream of using just two-electron reduced density matrices
instead of N-electron wave functions to describe the energies and properties of
many-electron atoms and molecules.�
Coulson's challenge to chemists and applied mathematicians stemmed from
the awareness that computational work to compute the �exact� wave function of
an atom or molecule increases exponentially with the number of electrons.� Wave function approximations with increasing
molecular size often fail to capture complex details of the exact wave function
that are needed to treat important chemical phenomena from van der Waals
interactions, energy splittings between spin states, and covalent bond
breaking.� Approximate wave functions
also have great difficulty describing the energies and properties of molecules
in stretched or non-equilibrium geometries, and yet it is precisely these
geometries that are critically important to understanding chemical
dream was based on the fact that because the fundamental interactions between
electrons are two-body, the electronic energy and properties of any atom or
molecule may be readily expressed as a linear functional of only two-electron
variables, known as the two-electron reduced density matrix (2-RDM).� However, developing a method based on the
2-RDM requires that certain rules be imposed upon the matrix to ensure that it
represents a realistic N-electron system.�
The work of mathematicians and chemists helped to establish some rules
for constraining the 2-RDM, which John Coleman called N-representability
conditions.� Although small test
calculations were performed in the early years, they were unsuccessful because
the full hierarchy of N-representability conditions, known as positivity
conditions, had not been derived and sufficient computational resources in
hardware and software did not exist.
research in my group two complementary approaches to the direct calculation of
the 2-RDM without the wave function have emerged: (i) solution of the
anti-Hermitian contracted Schr�dinger equation,1-5 and (ii) minimization of the
ground-state energy as a functional of the 2-RDM only, known as the variational
2-RDM method.6,7 These two methods are discussed in detail in a new book
Reduced-Density-Matrix Mechanics with Application to Many-electron Atoms and
Molecules,1 which I edited for the Advances in Chemical Physics series,
published by John Wiley and Sons.
In October of 2006 I announced in
Physical Review Letters a new approach to solving the contracted Schr�dinger
equation that improves the accuracy in both the energy and the 2-RDM by an
order of magnitude. The contracted Schr�dinger equation (CSE) is a projection
(or contraction) of the N-electron Schr�dinger equation onto the space of two
electrons. The new approach, by solving only the anti-Hermitian part of the
contracted Schr�dinger equation (ACSE), removes the previous limitations of the
CSE to yield between 95-100% of molecular correlation energy as well as highly
accurate one- and two-electron properties. The energies and properties from the
ACSE are more accurate than those from wave function methods of comparable
computational cost.�
In recently published work the ACSE method
has been generalized to treat molecular systems with significant
multi-reference correlation in the wave function. The term multi-reference
indicates that the many-electron wave function has significant contributions
from more than one reference determinant. Such effects arise in bond breaking,
transition states, diradicals and biradicals, and transition-metal complexes.
Within the 1-RDM the signature of multi-reference correlation is the appearance
of eigenvalues (natural occupation numbers) that are far from zero (unoccupied)
or one (occupied). The ACSE offers an ideal framework for treating
multi-reference effects. While the scaling of the ACSE is similar to
multi-reference perturbation methods, it produces energies that are
significantly more accurate as well as potential energy surfaces with a lower
non-parallelity error. Unlike other multi-reference methods, the ACSE also
yields 2-RDMs for a direct calculation of the properties and property surfaces.
Selected References
- Two-electron Reduced-Density-Matrix Theory for Many-electron Atoms and Molecules in Advances in Chemical Physics Series, D. A. Mazziotti, Editor (New York, Wiley, 2007).
- D. A. Mazziotti,� �Anti-Hermitian contracted Schr�dinger equation: direct determination of the two-electron reduced density matrices of many-electron molecules,� Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 143002� (2006).
- D. A. Mazziotti,�Anti-Hermitian part of the contracted Schr�dinger equation for the direct calculation of two-electron reduced density matrices,� Phys. Rev. A 75, 022505 (2007).
- D. A. Mazziotti,�Two-electron reduced density matrices from the anti-Hermitian contracted Schr�dinger equation: Enhanced energies and properties with larger basis sets,� J. Chem. Phys. 126, 184101 (2007).
- D. A. Mazziotti, �Determining the energy gap between the cis and trans isomers of HO3- using geometry optimization within the anti-Hermitian contracted Schr�dinger and coupled cluster methods,� J. Phys. Chem. A 111, 12635 (2007).
- D. A. Mazziotti, �Quantum chemistry without wavefunctions: Two-electron reduced density matrices,� Invited Article, Acc. Chem. Res. 39, 207 (2006).
- G. Gidofalvi and D. A. Mazziotti, �Computation of dipole, quadrupole, and octupole surfaces from the variational two-electron reduced density matrix method,� J. Chem. Phys. 125, 144102 (2006).
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