43352-G5 |
Conductive-Probe AFM Evaluation of Nanopatterned Metal-Molecule-Metal Junctions Fabricated via Electroless Metal Deposition |
44507-GB7 |
Design of Biodegradable Surfactants to Control and Manipulate Physical Properties of Polymeric Nanoparticles Made by Emulsion Evaporation Method |
42027-AC4 |
Designed Hairpin Peptides with Alpha-Tetrasubstituted Amino Acids |
45430-AC7 |
Optical Tracer Self Diffusion Studies of Polyelectrolytes at Low Salt |
41933-G9 |
Probing Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Crystallization with Simulation |
43329-G5 |
Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Photovoltaic Molecules: A Novel Strategy to Efficient Organic Solar Cells |