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Reports: B7

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Porous Polymer Monoliths for Capillary Electrochromatography

Michelle Marie Bushey, Trinity University

We have investigated a variety of porous polymer monoliths for use in capillary electrochromatography in the butyl and lauryl acrylate family. Our test analytes typically include a homologous series of toluene through 1-phenyl nonane and selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. We have also investigated using our polymer monoliths for separations of charged species such as anilines, a series of benzoic acids, and biological samples such as plant extracts. Our investigations have ranged broadly over the course of this grant. In our system, the polymer monolith is cast in situ in fused silica capillaries. Heat initiates the polymerization and the resulting monoliths are conductive as cast.

In previous grant years, our investigations have involved the following: establishing the reproducibility of separation results on one column and from column-to-column, exploring the longevity of individual columns, obtaining selectivity information from plots of retention factor versus carbon number for several polymer types, examining van Deemter curves for analytes with a range of retention factors for several polymer types, examining van Deemter curves as a function of temperature. We have also examined retention as a function of the amount of organic solvent in the mobile phase, and determined the enthalpy partitioning. Mixed polymers have been investigated. These systems have relatively small amounts of tert-butyl, hexyl, or lauryl acrylates substituted for some of the butyl acrylate monomer. In the case of lauryl acrylate, polymers ranging from 100% butyl to 100% lauryl, as well as intermediate compositions have been investigated. We have determined the obstruction factor of 100% lauryl acrylate columns to be in the range of 0.70-0.73. We have modeled the van Deemter curves to obtain estimates of the A, B, and C term for lauryl acrylate based columns. Some of this material is described in our two publications, other material is in preparation for publication.

Most recently we have broadened our investigations to some areas that have proved to be a bit riskier. In one study we attempted to use the porous polymer monoliths as plug or frit material for capillaries which we then proceeded to pack with commercially available C18 particles. These short plugs did not prove to be very durable and their lifetime was far too short to pursue this study. We have also attempted to use these columns with pressure driven flow to compare the performance to that obtained with electroosmotic driven flow. Although this would be a very informative study, our current instrumentation compromises the results that are obtained with pressure driven flow and so a reasonable comparison cannot be obtained. We may return to this system at a later date when an instrument upgrade is available.

We have recently returned to mixed monomer systems and investigated porous polymers containing both lauryl acrylate and benzyl methacrylate monomers. Several compositions have been studied but replacement of 10% (mole) the lauryl acrylate monomer with benzyl methacrylate has proved to be an interesting mixture that performs well. Retention factors for three selected analytes compare as follows for three column types:

Monomer         Retention factor for: fluorene             chrysene          benzo[a]pyrene

100% butyl acrylate                            1.63                 4.16                 6.39

100% lauryl acrylate                           2.78                 7.05                 10.7

10% benzyl methacrylate/

90% lauryl acrylate                             2.84                 9.52                 18.0

The retention of the larger PAH analytes increases dramatically with the mixed polymer. The enthalpies of partitioning for the mixed polymer are also more negative for each of these test analytes as compared to the 100% butyl acrylate polymer. We are completing studies on the 100% lauryl acrylate column. The mixed polymer has minimum H values that are comparable to our other columns and are in the range of 8 micrometers.

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