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"Influence of Alkyl Substitution Pattern in Thiophene Copolymers on Composite Fullerene Solar Cell Performance " Macromolecules, 2007, 40, (ASAP). 43081-AC8 Adachi, Jose; "Plane Strain Propagation of a Hydraulic Fracture in a Permeable Rock (Accepted)" Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 43081-AC8 Bunger, Andrew P; "Experimental Validation of the Tip Asymptotics for a Fluid-Driven Fracture (Submitted)" Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 43081-AC8 Kovalyshen, Yevhen; "A Reexamination of the Classical PKN Model of Hydraulic Fracture (Submitted)" Transport in Porous Media. 43081-AC8 Kovalyshen, Yevhen; "A Reexamination of the Classical PKN Model of Hydraulic Fracture (Submitted)" Transport in Porous Media. 43081-AC8 Lecampion, Brice; "An implicit algorithm for the propagation of a hydraulic fracture with a fluid lag " Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2007, 196, 4863�4880. 43082-AEF Lockard, Jenny V; "Intramolecular Electron Transfer within a Covalent, Fixed-Distance Donor-Acceptor Molecule in an Ionic Liquid" Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111, (40), 11638-11641. 43093-AEF Carrieri, D; Ananyev, G; ; Dismukes, G C "Prospecting for biohydrogen fuel. 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Chem., 2006, 71, (17), 6655�6658. 44300-G9 ; Armaou, Antonios; Varshney, Amit; Lou, Yiming Control and Optimization of Multiscale Process Systems, Birkhauser, Boston, 2008, accepted f. 44300-G9 Pitchaiah, Sivakumar; "Online System-Identification Using Subspace algorithms for the control of Microscopic processes" Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2008, in press, 8 pages. 44300-G9 Varshney, Amit; "Low-order ODE Approximations and Receding Horizon Control of Surface Roughness During Thin-Film Growth" Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63, 1246-1260. 44300-G9 Varshney, Amit; "Reduced Order Modeling and Dynamic Optimization of Multiscale PDE/kMC Process Systems" Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2008, in press. 44300-G9 Varshney, Amit; "Identification of Macroscopic Variables for Low-Order Modeling of Thin-Film Growth " Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2006, 45, 8290-8298. 44300-G9 Varshney, Amit; "Feedback control of surface roughness during thin-film growth using approximate low-order ODE models" Proceedings of 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2006, 3652-3659. 44300-G9 Varshney, Amit; "Identification of macroscopic process observables for thin-film growth" Proceedings of 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2006, 2140-2146. 44300-G9 Varshney, Amit; "Dynamic optimization of multiscale PDE/kMC process systems using nonlinear order reduction and tabulation techniques" Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2007, 953-959. 44300-G9 Varshney, Amit; "Dynamic optimization of stochastic systems using in situ adaptive tabulation " Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2006, 3098-3104. 44304-GB4 ; Musto, Chris; Munro, Lyndsay; Catalano, Vincent J. 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M "Synthesis of palladium icosahedra with twinned structure by blocking oxidative etching with citric acid or citrate ions" Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2007, 46, 790-794. 44364-AC1 ; Moon, Kwangyul "Stereoselective [2,3]-Sigmatropic Rearrangements of Unstabilized Nitrogen Ylides" Organic Letters, 2007, 9, (16), 3093-3096. 44365-AC7 "Effective Interactions in Soft Materials" in Nanostructured Soft Matter: Experiment, Theory, Simulation and Perspectives, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007, 395-433. 44403-G5 SANTATO, CLARA; LOPEZ, CARMEN M.; "Synthesis and Characterization of Polycrystalline Sn and SnO2 Films with Wire Morphologies" Electrochemistry- Communications, 2007, 9, (7), 1519-1524. 44412-GB1 ; Delatte, David B.; Linder, Derek B.; Johnson, James E.; Canseco, Diana C.; Rowe, Jeffrey E. "Nucleophilic substitution reactions of N-alkoxyimidoyl fluorides by carbon nucleophiles" Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2007, in press. 44424-AC4 ; Blose, Joshua M. 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"Physical Properties of Mass Transport Complexes in the Ursa Region, Northern Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308) Determined from Log, Core, and Seismic Data" Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, 2007, OTC Paper #18704. 44476-AC8 ; Long, H.; Dugan, B.E.; Germaine, J.T.; John, C.; Behrmann, J.H.; Sawyer, D.E.; Expedition 308 Scientists, "Pore pressure penetrometers document high overpressure near the seafloor where multiple submarine landslides have occurred on the continental slope, offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico" Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2008, 269, (3-4), 309-324. 44476-AC8 Iturrino, G.J.; Dugan, B.E.; Sawyer, D.E.; ; Moore, J.C. "Interpretation of Downhole Measurements, Deformation Analyses, and Lithologic Characterization in the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico" Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, 2007, OTC Paper #19097. 44476-AC8 Long, H.; ; Dugan, B.E.; Germaine, J.T.; Ferrell, D. "Data Report: Penetrometer Measurements of In Situ Temperature and Pressure in IODP Expedition 308" in Sci. Results, Expedition 308, IODP, in press. 44476-AC8 Long, H.; ; Germaine, J.T.; Dugan, B.E.; Sawyer, D.E.; Expedition 308 Scientists, "In Situ Pore Pressure at IODP Site U1324, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexic" Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, 2007, OTC Paper #18772. 44476-AC8 Long, H.; ; Germaine, J.T.; Saffer, D.; Dugan, B.E. "Data Report: Consolidation Characteristics of Sediments from IODP Expedition 308, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico" in Proc. IODP, Sci. Results, Expedition 308, IODP, 2008. 44476-AC8 Moore, J.C.; Iturrino, G.J.; ; Hull, I.; Gay, A. "Fluid Migration and State of Stress above the Blue Unit, Ursa Basin: Relationship to the Geometry of Injectites" Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, 2007, OTC Paper #18812. 44476-AC8 Sawyer, D.E.; ; Dugan, B.E.; Expedition 308 Scientists, "Lateral Variations in Core, Log, and Seismic Attributes of a Mass Transport Complex in the Ursa Region, IODP Expedition 308, Northern Gulf of Mexico" Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, 2007, OTC Paper #19098. 44476-AC8 Sawyer, D.E.; Jacoby, R.; ; Germaine, J.T. "Data Report: Particle Size Analysis of Sediments in the Ursa Basin, IODP Expedition 308 Site U1324 and U1322, Northern Gulf of Mexico" in Sci. Results, Expedition 308, IODP, in press. 44476-AC8 Schneider, J.S.; ; Long, H.; Dugan, B.E.; Germaine, J.T.; Saffer, D. "Data Report: Porosity-Permeability Behavior of Shallow Mudstones in the Ursa Basin, IODP Expedition 308 Sites U1322 and U1324, Northern Gulf of Mexico" in Proc. IODP, Sci. Results, Expedition 308, IODP, in review. 44481-G6 Gelin, Maxim F.; "Angular momentum dependent friction slows down rotational relaxation under non-equilibrium conditions" Journal of Chemical Physics, 2006, 125, Art. No. 224502. 44481-G6 Gelin, Maxim F.; "Manifestation of nonequilibrium initial conditions in molecular rotation: the generalized J-diffusion model" Journal of Chemical Physics, 2007, 127, Art. No. 503736. 44481-G6 Gelin, Maxim F.; "Velocity dependence of friction and Kramers relaxation rates" Journal of Chemical Physics, 2007, 126, Art. No. 244501. 44481-G6 Gelin, Maxim F.; "What can be learned about molecular reorientation from single molecule polarization microscopy? " Journal of Chemical Physics, 2006, 125, Art. 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