1.�� Diffusion of hydrogen
adatoms on Cu(111) using linear optical diffraction methods and Xe density
gratings as laser-erasable templates
Using linear
optical diffraction from hydrogen density gratings on Cu(111), we studied
diffusion kinetics of hydrogen atoms on Cu(111) from 140K to 210K.� We used a
novel method to prepare periodic hydrogen density profiles on Cu(111).� We first
formed a Xe density grating from a pre-adsorbed Xe monolayer on Cu(111) at 35K using
dual-beam LITD.� Using the Xe grating as the template, we formed a hydrogen
density grating complementary to the template.� We then removed the template using
single-beam LITD.
To measure
diffusion constants of hydrogen adatoms on Cu(111) from 140 K to 210 K, we
detected the linear optical diffraction from the hydrogen density grating on
Cu(111).� We used two set-ups to produce hydrogen gratings with periodicities
of a = 10.3 μm and 2 μm.� It enabled us to measure diffusion
constants from 2�10-9 to 1�10-14 cm2/sec (>
5 orders of magnitude).� Fig. 1 shows one of the set-ups.
The normalized 1st-order
linear optical diffraction signal is given by (Fick's law)
S1(t) = exp(-α(T)t)������������������������ (1)
The diffusion constant D(T) is
related to the exponent by
D(T) = α(T) (a2/8π2)�������������������� (2)
In Fig. 2, we display a set of real
time traces of S1(t).� Fig. 2a shows the signals obtained with a =
10.3 �m.� Fig. 2b shows the signals obtained with a = 2 �m.� By fitting S1(t)
to Eq. (1) we obtained α(T).� Through Eq. (2) we found the hydrogen
diffusion constants D(T) from 140K to 210K.� In Fig. 3, we display the
Arrhenius plot of D(T).
Over the temperature
range of investigation, the diffusion rates are described well with an
Arrhenius function with single activation energy,
D(T) = D0exp(-Ediff/kBT)�������������� (3)
By fitting the experimental D(T) to
Eq. (3) (solid line in Fig. 3), we found
D0 =
48 cm2/sec��������������������������� (4)
= 0.44 eV (10 kcal/mol)�������� (5)
We are currently
extending the measurement to below 140K using a new optical set-up that
produces hydrogen density gratings with periodicity of a = 0.5 μm.�
This will enable us to explore the on-set of quantum tunneling diffusion.
2.�� Interlayer mass transport
of Xe multi-layers studied from the decay of surface plasmon polariton waves
excited with Xe multilayer gratings
A novel application
of excitation of a surface plasmon polariton wave (SPPW) on a metal surface
coupled by an adsorbate density pattern is the study of mass transport of the
adsorbates.� A SPPW is an electromagnetic wave confined at the interface
between a metal (εm) and a transparent material (εs).�
It has a well-defined wave-vector along the interface q =
One way to excite a surface-plasmon polariton wave is to form a dielectric
grating (with spatial period of a) at the interface.� When a mono-chromatic
light is incident from the transparent material onto the interface, the SPPW is
excited. �At incidence angle θSPR where sinθSPR
= (εmεs/(εm+εs))1/2
� λ/a, the reflectance is maximally attenuated.� The reflectance attenuation
or dip depends on the depth of the grating.� In the limit that the thickness of
the grating is much less than λ, the reflectance dip varies quadratically
with the depth of the grating η1.� If η1
decays due to mass transport of molecular constituents of the grating, one can
study the mass transport of molecular constituents of the grating by following
the dip experimentally.
To demonstrate
this concept, we excited the SPPW on Cu(111) using patterned Xe multi-layers as
gratings.� We deposited a thin Xe layer of 6 monolayers.� Using LITD, we formed
a Xe grating with mean thickness of 4 monolayers and modulation depth of η1
= 2 monolayers.� The spatial periodicity was a = 5.45 μm. �To
detect the reflectance dip due to the SPPW excitation, we used a converging
He-Ne laser beam with the incidence angle spanning 8� and measured the
angle-resolved reflectivity difference (OI-RD).� We observed a sharp dip in the
OI-RD signal near 70.2�.
By following the
decay of the reflectance dip, we determined the decay exponents α'(T) from
46K to 54K.� Assuming that α'(T) related to apparent diffusion constants D'(T)
through Eq. (2), we obtained D'(T) shown in Fig. 4 as an Arrhenius plot.� We are
exploring Xe interlayer mass transport kinetics potentially responsible for the
behavior as exhibited in Fig. 4.