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Designed Macromolecular Assemblies for Biomedical Applications, ACS National Meeting, March 2007, Chicago, IL

Joel H. Collier, University of Cincinnati

The symposium "Designed Macromolecular Assemblies for Biomedical Applications" was held at the 233rd ACS National meeting in Chicago and was sponsored by the PMSE Division of ACS. The symposium spanned three full days (six sessions) and included nineteen invited speakers, three of which were international and supported by PRF funds. The symposium highlighted current advances in macromolecular assemblies in three important biomedical subfields: surfaces for interfacing with biological systems, scaffolds for regenerative medicine, and drug delivery platforms. The symposium was organized by William Murphy, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin), Theresa Reineke, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor at the University of Cincinnati), and Joel Collier, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor at the University of Cincinnati). Attendance was excellent, varying from about 50 to 150 attendees, depending on the session. The three PRF-supported international speakers were Harm-Anton Klok (Ecole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne), Eva Wisse (Eindhoven University of Technology), and Ingrid van Baal (Eindhoven University of Technology). Several invited speakers were at the Assistant Professor level to encourage involvement and career development of junior faculty. In addition, the symposium was designed to bring together Engineers and Chemists working on the three focus areas to facilitate interdisciplinary communication in these multifaceted fields.

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